Chapter 2

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Harry's POV

It was finally Friday. I couldn't bare seeing Elena and Chad in the hallways again. Every time I saw them together all I could see was rage. I get to my Chemistry class and remember that Elena and I were partners. Maybe this would be a good time for Elena and I to talk this out. I arrive late as usually and see Elena sitting at our lab table. I hurry to the stool next to her and smile. She smiles back but not to me.  I turn around to see it's Chad.  

"Uh, you're in my seat man." he says.

"What the hell are you talking about?" I say not trying to raise my voice.

"Oh, before class I asked Mr. Randell if I could switch partners." Elena says.

I feel like such an idiot to think that she would actually continue to be partners with me after the whole break-up. I nod with disappointment, rage, and every emotion possible for situations like this and walk over to Mr.Randell's desk.

"Sorry, I was late.. again. But since Elena and Chad are partners now who am I with?

"Oh, you are with the new girl Caroline Tate." he points to the girl with blonde medium short hair and curls in her hair. As I walk away I roll my eyes to the thought of working with a girl. 

Caroline's POV

I really hope that I'm not going to have to work on this lab all by myself. I told my mom we should have waited to move schools. But the divorce made her change completely and I don't blame her. After erasing my Chemistry equation over and over again, I look up to see the boy with emerald green eyes and brown curls walk my away. While admiring his beauty he sits across from me playing on his phone. All the attraction I've had to him is slowly drifting away. I finally decide break the silence after a couple of minutes.

"Hi, I'm Caroline."  he doesn't even look at me. " I know." he says. Wow, what a dick I say in my head. " And you are?"  I respond

He sighs dramatically. " I'm Harry."  

"Nice to meet you Harry." I say with a warm smile and reach out my hand.

" I wish I could say the same." he says with a sarcastic smile and continues to play on his phone. I have the urge to take the damn phone and throw it across the room, but that wouldn't solve anything in this situation.

I can't believe that someone would even say something like that and I don't even know him. My hateful thoughts about Harry that are quickly building up in me ended by the lunch bell. It was finally lunch and I was starved but when am I not. I felt like I was in one of those teenage high school movies where I would get my food, hold my lunch tray in front of the all the kids in the  cafeteria and look for a place to eat with some nice looking girls. I walk over to the table with what looks like some normal looking girls and ask if I can sit with them. The girl with beach blonde hair breaks the awkward silence.

" Of course you can!" I smile and sit down next to the new strangers I've just met. "Well, I'm Perrie and this is Jesy, Leigh-Anne and Jade. You must be new!" I laugh slightly.

"Ha ha yes, nice to meet you all." Like every new girl, I get asked the awkward question we dread the most. "So see any guys you like?" Perrie says to me.

"Kinda there is is cute guy in my chemistry class. He's name is Harry, but he is kinda of an ass." All five of us laugh at my rude comment.

"Oh, Mr.Styles he is one of my boyfriends close friends his name is Zayn." she points over to the table with 9 very attractive boys at. "Who are those boys?" I ask out of curiosity.

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