Chapter 5

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Harry POV

Seeing the prescription pills and tissues of makeup in Caroline's car made a question every possible theory on who she really was and what was going on. I understand we aren't that close to share secrets or personal problems, but I just want to let her know that I'm here for her. No matter what. I don't know who to talk about with this, I don't want to talk to the guys about it. I can't put Caroline's business out like that. I care about her way too much to the whole school find out what's going on. I decide the best person to ask for advice is my mom. I walk into my mom's room and see her reading some called "The Fault in Our Stars." which I've seen almost every girl at my school carry around with them and a box of tissues. I mean how can you cry over a book that's not even real? Girls are so confusing, I thank God I'm a boy everyday. I walk over and sit at the end of my mum's bed and she takes off her reading glasses and looks at me and smiles.

" Hey Mum, can you give me some advice?" I say not trying to sound desperate but I could really us the help at this point. I mean I've never asked my mom this and I don't want to sound pathetic, but I care for Caroline. Even though I swore to myself I would never have even those type of feelings to a girl but my emotions have over come me and there was nothing I could do to stop them. I don't think I wanted to stop them. But there was that part of me that remember the pain and heartache Elena left behind. I didn't like Caroline, I just cared for her. I needed to figure why she was lying and why she was taking pills.

"Sure Harry. What's on your mind?" she says.

" Well, there is this girl named Caroline, that I've become really close friends too and .."

"You didn't get her pregnant did you?" she says. She's got to be kidding me. My mum always thinks I'll end up like her and my father, a teenage pregnancy but I don't why I even call him that. He doesn't even deserve the title. Asshole represents him more to be honest.

"No, Mum. She's just sketchy and it's like she's hiding something from me." I say trying not to sound like a parent but more like a friend.

"What makes you think she's hiding something?" she says and she adjust how she is sitting in this huge bed. I honestly don't why she has this king bed, he isn't coming back. He made that very clear when his drunk ass is screaming almost to the top of his lungs saying "I'm never coming back." I feel bad for her, but we don't need him. She has me and that's all she needs. I can tell her she looks beautiful and tell her that I love her and that she is the best mom in the world and pray that it's enough for her.

"She had pills in her car, and there were tissues with all of her make-up on it." I say

"Awe Harry, that's very kind of you to care for her like that. But she was probably having personal problems." she says not trying release a laugh from her mouth. Why does she think this shit is funny? I mean what is she even talking about?

"What do you mean "personal problems"? I say holding back by attitude.

"She might be on birth control for her period." she says laughing.

Ew, I know girls have periods, but it's just weird talking to my mom about it. I roll my eyes and thank my mom for the advice and leave the bedroom. I still hadn't chosen where I wanted to take Caroline out, it was actually really had because this wasn't suppose to be a date and I didn't think a cinema would be a great way to get to know someone. I finally decide to take her the Minature Golf place downtown.

"Hey, Minature Golf @ 7. I'll pick you up." I text her. The response I get back is something I have never gotten before.

"That sounds more like a demand. Please try again. (-: ." she says. I can just picture her with a wide smile on her face. I type the same text again with defeat and try again like she says.

"Hey, is Minature Golf @ 7 okay with you? I'll pick you up." I send a text again.

"Could have been better, but yes 7 is okay (: she responds back.

Thank god because I was not going to send that again. I hurry and jump in the shower and put on my signature black jeans with rips in them and a white t-shirt. I remember when I dressed preppy when I dated Elena, I realize how dumb I looked with blazers on. How did I even have friends back then? but I still question why do I have friends now. I go back into my mom's room and kiss her on the cheek and tell her I'll be back later.

( I know this isn't very long but it's been a while since the book has been updated but next chapter will be better!!! Vote and Comment (-: )

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