Chapter 1

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Harry (POV)

I never thought that I would be this excited for a stupid dance, Prom. I think I'm excited about the idea to dance with the most beautiful girl in the world. Prom is some stupid idea an idiot came up with to make girls dress up and for guys to pretend to act like gentlemen for the night. Not saying I'm not a gentleman, but I'm no Romeo. I can just picture the smile on my girlfriends' face when she sees me dressed up in this ridiculous tuxedo that I rented for way too much, but seeing her beautiful smile will make me forgot how ridiculous I look. I spray on my favorite Blue De by Chanel cologne, she adores it, I check myself in the mirror one last time. For the first time in forever, I fix my hair to make it look like, I actually try. After making myself as 'charming' as possible, I try to sneak past my overly excited mother, Anne. But of course my plan fails. I swear the woman can see and hear everything that goes on in this house.


"Stop right there Harry." she can't see as I roll my eyes and slowly turn around, flashing an extremely fake smile.


"Yes mum what would you like?" In a new record of 2.5 seconds, I see what looks like Niagara Falls spill from my mother's eyes. Who would have thought Prom was this serious?


"Mum, please stop crying its just a stupid dance." I mean honestly that's all it really is.


"No, Harry you are growing up so fast my heart can't take it." she says while trying, in vain, to wipe the tears from her eyes.


I watch as my mum's make-up runs down her face and all I can think of to do is hug her. I feel a smile grow on her face as she hugs me, and the sniffling starts to slowly decrease.


" Ok ok ok, I can do this, let's just take a couple of pictures and get this over with before I start crying again." she says with a wide smile and tries to wipe the smudges of make-up from her face, ruining her shirt sleeve in the process.


After what seems like millions of pictures, I give my mum yet another huge and she leans in to whisper,


"I love you Harry." I chuckle lightly and say " I love you too Mum." I smile while my chin is pressed on top of her hair.


" I remember my prom. Those were some good times back in the day, and that's how you came into the picture." she smirks at me and laughs. Good to know she thought it was funny cause I sure as hell didn't.


I gag at the repulsive thought of my parents, Anne and Des, but on the bright side, it does make me smile at the times they were happy together long before a divorce was put into their thoughts. I take my mum's comment as a cue to leave. I stop by the local flower shop, Sammy's Flowers, to get my girlfriend some flowers. It was almost 6:30 and I still couldn't choose between getting Lilies, Tulips or Roses. I don't want to try to be like every average guy so I don't want to go with Roses. After countless minutes of deciding between Lilies or Tulips, I go with Tulips, after all they do represent internal love and I've decided that this is finally the night to tell her how I really feel. It's time I tell her that I love her and I want to spend the rest of my life loving her. Nervously, I get to the house 15 minutes early just in case her mum is like my mum and she want's a million pictures. I put a mint in my mouth and take a deep breathe and I knock 3 times on the door. My heart skips a beat when I see my gorgeous girlfriend, Elena. She looks so perfect there is not one single flaw about her. But soon, the moment takes a turn for the worst and my admiration vanishes as I see Chad the obnoxious football jock standing right behind her wearing a tuxedo and holding Lilies in his hand with a smirk on his face.


" What's going on?" I say to Elena.


Elena pauses before replying, "Well about Prom, Chad is Prom King and I'm Prom Queen so... I feel like it would be better if we went together.."


I hear what she is saying but I don't understand her clearly. "But.... I'm your boyfriend? What am I suppose to do." I say my excitement quickly turning to rage and anger.


"Well, you know my friend Brittney, right?" she asks, and I nod in confusion. "What does Brittney have to do with anything that going on right now? All I know is she was supposed to "double date" with us in the limo.


"She doesn't have a date so I told her you would go with her! I just assumed you would say yes!" She says


"So you knew we weren't going to go together and you let me look like an idiot still?" I raise my voice and ask. This is a girl I said I was in love with and yet she takes popularity over her boyfriend of 3 years, I have to admit that's pretty pathetic even for someone like her.


I see Brittney walk down the staircase, but I look at Elena who is the girl I've been in love with since freshman year rip my heart out and tear it into thousands of pieces that can't be taped back together. Don't get me wrong Brittney is a beautiful girl but she doesn't hold a candle to Elena. Elena finally snaps me back from thoughts and says somethings that changes me forever.


"And about that whole boyfriend girlfriend thing, yeah I'm breaking up with you." she says as she closes the door in my face. Speechless. That's all I can say is I'm speechless, you could never be so wrong about a person, be clearly I was. I was blinded by the emotions of love and Cupid for that matter if he even existed.


I feel torn. Maybe if I would have told her how I felt before maybe this wouldn't have happened, I couldn't move on from this. It hurts me seeing her with someone like Chad, but this is what I get for choosing love over lust. I would never have thought that those 4 words would break me down. From now on there is a new rule, I'm a bad boy that's how Zayn got Perrie with all the tattoos and that's what I plan to do as well. I just wasted 3 years on someone that clearly didn't give a damn enough about me so I won't care for any girl I come across because in the end they are all just a waste of time. Instead of the going waste my evening at Prom, I decide to go home, watch Love Actually over and over, and see where I went wrong in my relationship.

Caroline's POV

I never thought it would ever happen to me. It's my fucking fault, I basically asked for it. I'm such an idiot. I thought it was a dream. But I wouldn't call that a dream, it was more like my nightmare that happened to me. I never thought it would be him, someone I said I'd love. My mom decided it was best for us to move, so did I.  The cutting wasn't helping, the pills weren't helping. I think the only thing that could help was if I was out of the picture. But after months of helping from my family. I think the move would make it easier. I hope.

Here I come Starwood Highschool.

( Hiiii, thank you so much for reading this book! I hope you enjoy it and I decided to add Caroline's part about her past to make it more interesting so you might want to continue to read to figure what the big secret is.(:  It's pretty huge so just watch out for updates to find out more. )

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