EJ X Reader

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I was walking around the mansion, everyone was going on a kill today so I was all alone. "Why won't Slendy let me go kill yet?" I whispered falling on the couch. "Maybe because he doesn't trust you yet" I heard someone say, I looked up and smirked getting up. "Do you trust me EJ?" I asked innocently. "If you weren't Slendys brothers daughter" he told me. It was true I was the daughter of Sexual Offenderman, I found out a year ago when a man offered me a rose, but I saw through him and knew. I declined and everything started to unfold from there. "oh come on, you know I'm not like him" I whispered in his ear. He pushed me back a little "prove it" he told me. I smiled evilly "fine" I walked over and grabbed his mask running up the stairs. "(Y/N) give me my mask" he yelled running after me. I ran into a corner "wrong way..." I thought and turned around to see EJ right in front of me. "Guess you were right, I am like my father" I joked and gave him a kiss handing him his mask back. He took it and looked down at it and then back at me, "I always am" he whispered and smashed his lips into mine. A minute later we broke the kiss and smiled. "That was fun, lets do it again sometime buttercup" I said walking around him and to my room. You may be wondering why I called him buttercup, well since my father is known for roses I thought I should have a flower and I chose buttercups so I answer to people with buttercup.

I walked to my dresser and changed into my pajamas and jumped into bed to read, I took out a book until I heard a knock. "Come in" I called, getting up, the door opened and there stood EJ. "Oh hey, what do you need?" I asked walking over. "Why did you call me buttercup?" he asked "don't know, just did" I muttered looking down, even though I did know. "Stop lying" he said looking at me, "don't blush don't blush" I thought trying to fight it but failed. "What did I make someone embarrassed" he joked. "Shut up and leave if that's all you wanted" I told him walking back to my bed. "Wait, I need to ask you something" he added walking over to me. "Yes?" I asked. "Will you be my girl?" he asked, I smiled a true smile and wrapped my arms around him and kissed him pulling him onto the bed. "I take that as a yes?" he asked me, while wrapping his arms around me. "No, its a fuck yes" I told him, getting closer to him and falling asleep.

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