"Fuck no!" I yelled, my 'friends' laughed. "See they aren't real" Meg said twirling the rose in her hand. Apparently some guy was selling roses and offered them for free. "Dumbasses, you don't listen" I said grabbing the roses and lighting them on fire. I had been studying the creepypasta for fun until one day I had seen something that made me confirm everything. "(y/n) your overreacting, even if they are real your a witch" they mocked. I never knew why I had become friends with them, maybe I was just desperate at the time. I through the burning roses in a bowl and grabbed my protection necklace, putting it on. I looked at the time setting it was almost 12 am. I handed them some jewelry "put these on" I said but they crossed their arms being stubborn. "Why don't you guys do as I say" I groaned giving up hope.
I watched the clock hit 12 and the lights flickered. I walked to a corner and looked around waiting to see movement. I watched as the lights went out and I heard a window crash, Meg screamed and I heard movements. I tried to find my way to the dresser and grabbed the lantern on top. I turned it on and almost screamed as I saw him. I was right and Meg was being hung by her hands, I looked and saw Lily on the ground shaking. I turned back to non other then offender and clutched my necklace. "You...mortal" he said in my head watching me without eyes. "You cant hurt me, I never took a rose" I said trying to keep a steady voice. I watched as his tentacles slowly came towards me. "You can not harm me!" I yelled angrily. They stopped and retracted "you are not scared...your foolish" it said before disappearing with Meg.
I waited a few more moments before running to Lily grabbing her my the shoulders. "Did you take one!" I said shaking her. She was crying, holding her head. I slapped her making her stop "did you take one, answer me damnit" I said staring at her. She shook her head slowly, I hugged her tightly letting her cry, she would be safe that's all that mattered.
A week had passed and I couldn't sleep. Lily went to a hospital after having hallucinations of the past events. Megs body was found in a creek without any evidence and nothing suspicious had happened. I looked over at the clock to see it was 12 am once again and let out a sigh. I had my lights off and was in bed staring at my ceiling when I heard a creak and turned on my lamp letting out a small scream. "Hello child" I looked at Slender with a blank stare. "Hello mr." I said not really thinking. "Your the one who out smarted my brother I heard" I nodded before snapping out of it and holding onto my necklace. "I won't hurt you" I didn't know why but I trusted him even if he was a monster. He walked over with his long legs and stood over my bed. "He will come back and kill you, he does not like to lose" he paused before continuing, "I have come to take you to the manor under my protection" after he said that everything went black.
I woke up with a headache. I looked around my surroundings, I was on a couch in a big room. I stood up and wandered the room before looking into another room which looked like the kitchen. "Hello?" I called walking in and looking around, why would I be in this big house alone? and why couldn't I remember anything. I frowned before I heard a door open and a bunch of talking. I walked back to the room I woke up in and towards the voices. When I had finally found them I stopped and went pale. It was all the killers, I backed up making sure not to look away, they watched me like a piece of meat. "Who is this?" I looked over and assumed it was Jeff who had asked. "I don't know but maybe she would like some candy" LJ offered with a grin. "Get the fuck away from me" I went to grab my necklace but couldn't it was gone. They took another step making my stumble backward. "I want to see Slender" I demanded. They all stared behind me and I turned. "Yes child?" he was here and answered right away. "Tell your killers to leave me alone, if im staying here I want to be respected" I said crossing my arms. He must have said something to them because they all groaned before walking off.
Weeks pasted and I saw I was missing on the news but that more bodies were forming. I had become really close to everyone especially slender as I spent most of my time in his office reading a book and asking questions about all of them. I was reading on the couch when BEN glitched in with a worried look. "S-S-slenders fa-miily coming" he said "he wants you to hide in his office" he added before going away again. I stood up and ran up the stairs fear striking me. I knocked on the door and entered looking at Slender. "Is it true?" I asked he stood up and teleported in front of me. "Stay in here and read something, he wont hurt you" he said before teleporting right as I heard the commotion from downstairs.
Hours passed and I had become hungry, I read all the books and didn't hear anything so I cracked the door open and made my way to the kitchen quietly. No one was here so I went to the fridge and looked for a snack. "What are you doing down here" I turned around and looked at Jane. She grabbed my wrist and began to drag me "they aren't gone" she hissed leading me to the stairs. "You humans are foolish, now go before-" she stopped and we heard a chuckle. I turned and stared at the figure in front of me. "There you are....now you will die" Offender said, I watched as he threw Jane into the wall and came towards me with that creepy smirk. It all happened so fast he had reached toward me but I was pulled to the side as Slender teleported in front of me.
"That is enough brother" slender said his voice dark. "Your protecting this human?" I heard the sneer even with no face. "I forbid you to harm her" Slender said keeping his composer. "She saw me, she must die like her friends" he went to grab my but once again Slender stopped him. "You will not harm someone I care about" Slender yelled as I watched his face tear to reveal a mouth. Offender watched him before disappearing. He went back to normal and turned towards me "you care for me?" I asked surprised. "I do, I have grown to care as I have seen you as you" he said. I grinned "I care for you too Slendy" I laughed and hugging his legs because of his tall ass. I got a hug in return "I am glad you return my feelings, will you be my partner?" he asked. I nodded and knew right then I had found someone who would never hurt me and I had found a home.
(Not sure what this was but I thought it was cute. Wow 2 chapters in one month! I hope you liked it <3)

creepypasta one shots
FanfictionSo this is one-shots of creepypasta so enjoy! Requests are open! Examples- Jeff, BEN, EJ, Hoodie etc.