Lost Silver X Reader

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(Before I start I want to say I did a quick listen to the origin story to try and understand but didn't understand as much as I hoped for so I will not follow the origin completely.)

I through my game controller against the wall as I had lost another game which is rare since I play against my online friend Ben and always win. I turned of my controller along with the tv and grabbed my game boy. I picked up a cartridge not bothering to look at it. I put it in and then opened the game. Nothing happened. I tried pressing some buttons still not getting any answer. I decided to turn it off and back on again.  This time it worked, but I wasn't at the start. I had spawned in the person before me's game. I mean I was already going to go to their world so its a win-win. I checked the characters name. "Who the hell names their person ..."  I mutter going to check out their Pokemon. I scroll through everything seeing they earned all the badges  and i think all the Pokemon. I roll my eyes seeing a group of Pokemon spelling leave. "What a stupid ass joke."

I go to continue but the screen goes black.  I try to turn it off. It doesn't work. I groan "come on. Work you stupid cartridge" suddenly the screen turned back on. I let out a scream seeing a boy, he had no arms or legs, like they were torn off. I wanted to run but couldn't. I was intrigued that there was a boy trapped in the play boy. My grip tightened, I wanted answers "w-what are you" I ask trying to cover up my fear. The boy looked at me, I gulped. Text at the bottom opened "I am lost silver as others call me" I tried to calm my breathing.  "Are you real?" I asked, the text disappeared then reappeared saying "yes, I am not a glitch or anything" my eyes widened. 

Was I scared? yes. Was I surprised by a boy in my game boy? no actually i'm not. Am I smart enough to throw away the cartridge? HAH no. "Hey um wanna be friends?" I asked, the text disappeared then reappeared. "Sure, thank you, but it will be risky" I frowned slightly confused. "What do you mean?" I asked the text left and he actually spoke. "I mean i'm not a friendly person...i'm a killer" My breath hitched. I'm trying to be friends with a killer...why because im interested. "Screw it" I say to myself.....


It has been 6 months now and I'm great friends with him.  He can now talk through the game without using the text to pop up. I turn on my game boy "hey Silver" I say as my screen turns off then back on. "H-Hey....(y/n)" his voice glitched slightly "You okay you seem off" I reply I looked at him in the screen. "Yeah..just want to ask you something" I nodded waiting. His face became red and the screen glitched. "Will you date me!" he said catching me off guard. I stared at the red faced killer my mind spinning. "uh (Y/n?)" I snapped out of my thoughts "Yes- Yes I will!" I say grinning from ear to ear.  "Thank god i thought id have to kill you" he said making me go pale. "Kidding" he said very quickly.  "Phew" I let out a relieved sigh, my boyfriend is a joker...well i love him for him and wouldn't change a thing.

(Sorry its bad and short)

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