(This includes talk of suicide and self harm! if you do not like this then DO NOT read)
I ran down the dorm to meet my new roommate. My name is (y/n) and I'm in college. I just learned my friend Jack was applied here and got in. I got to my dorm and fiddled with getting the key in but succeeded. I had begged the college to let him bunk with me but didn't get a full answer. I walked in like I hadn't been running and sat down on my couch. I waited a while before the door began to open, I grabbed the first thing near me and held it up.
"(y/n?)" I looked at the person in the door way and dropped what I was holding. There was Jack with Ms. Hudson who looked horrified. I looked down at what I dropped and mentally face palmed. I had been holding an arm from a party, it was fake of course but still. "Are you sure you want to move in here?" Ms Hudson asked Jack. He assured her before she left and we collided onto the floor in a hug. I looked at him and got up "welcome to the chaotic dorm" I watched him grin.
I kept my head down while making my way back to my dorm. It had been a few months since Jack joined and things were going good until Sarah got jealous of Jack living with me. Sarah was the top girl in this college and personally the school slut. Literally. I'm usually all about girls supporting girls but she has slept with everyone only for a little price of their full cooperation....And I was on her hit list so everyone was after me.
I felt my hoodie get pulled and I fell down. I looked up to see Charlie. He and his goons hovered over me waiting to see my next move. "Go away" I said picking myself up and pushing past them. I got to my dorm and hurried in and locking it. I got to my couch and curled up, this was the 6th time this month after Jack had joined me. I heard the door click open seeing Jack. Speak of the devil. "Hey what happened to your hoodie" he hurried over, I hadn't noticed it had been stretched out.
He made us some tea before sitting next to me and waiting for me to explain. He didn't push or anything he just watched me trying to find any clues. I felt safe with him there like nothing could hurt me. Eventually I told him and he listened not judging me or blaming anyone.
I woke up to the door closing, it had been a few months and everything seemed the same only Jack always had nightmares now. I slowly got up and followed him down every turn keeping my distance. I watched him walk into the forest without any hesitation, I debated on calling out but a light caught my eye. I followed him all the way to a cave before I stopped and hid behind a tree. This place felt dark and evil to me like something was going to happen. I waited there for what felt like ages before I heard Jacks screams. I ran before I could think, when I got into the cave and screamed. Jacks eyes were gone and these people were pouring tar into him. I felt dizzy and sick, I looked around as two people grabbed me. That's when I passed out either from fear or not enough air.
I woke up sweat dripping everywhere. I was back in my dorm on the couch. I looked around and saw a letter, I grabbed it and opened it frantically.
Dear (y/n),
Its me Jack...well not actually Jack but still Jack. Last night when you followed me they made me a vessel for this demon who needs organs to eat. I didn't want to risk your life so Im leaving and maybe one day we can see each other again. As for now...I killed everyone who hurt you. I will miss you.
I felt a few tears fall before I smiled. I would see him again and this time I would be a happier person. He was the reason I was going to stay alive.
(The End, I hope this was okay since I didn't know how to really end it.)

creepypasta one shots
FanfictionSo this is one-shots of creepypasta so enjoy! Requests are open! Examples- Jeff, BEN, EJ, Hoodie etc.