I was walking down the street while on my phone with my friend. "I'm telling you, they are real!" my friend exclaimed, for the hundredth time. "Sure they are" I sighed, I was getting very annoyed with her tales of killers who live forever now. "I swea-" I hung up on her before she could keep going. "Ugh, I know they exist, I just don't want to remember" I whispered and sat down against a wall. I scrolled through my messages which were only from my friend. I then went to my photos and scrolled through the picture of me and them. "Why did I leave...oh right I was a danger to them" I thought, as the voice in my head were talking. "Someone is here" one of them told me. I looked up from my phone and looked around. My eyes widened as my eyes landed on him "no...it can't be" I whispered. I stood up (more like jumped up) and started walking away down the side walk. After a few minutes I looked behind me and saw him following me.
I started to run until I saw an alley. "Go there and talk to him!" the voice told me, so I listened. I turned around and looked at him. "Got you" he said, walking over gripping his bloody knife. "It's me, Y/N" I smiled, he dropped his weapon. "No it cant be" he muttered to himself. "You lie" he glared, walking closer picking his knife back up. "Well so much for that" I told the voices. "Hey it's not our fault!" one said "Yeah, its your fault" the other said. "Shut up!" I growled, getting annoyed. "Well it's your fault as well because you are in my head" I said, crossing my arms and look up at my head. Jeff was in the background just watching it play out. "Hey don't say that!" I grumbled while hearing the voices laugh. "Omg just show him the picture of you two" the smart voice said. "Great idea....if I still had that photo!" I screamed in anger. "Whats up with you?" Jeff spoke up finally still glaring. "Nothing just these dumb voices telling me what to do, it gets so annoying" I told him.
"Hey we are not annoying that's you!" they screeched. "Gah!" I held my head "Shut up that was way to loud!" I scolded them. "Maybe you are her" Jeff whispered walking over. "You think?!" I growled storming up to him. "I am her! I left your butt to save you and the others, you think I wanted to leave! No I love you and your too blind to realize I'm her after all of this!" I screamed at him tears about to fall. His eyes widened and a few tears formed "I'm so sorry" he said embracing me. I hugged him back "I'm finally home" I whispered as a few tears fell.
They end (part 2 anyone?)

creepypasta one shots
أدب الهواةSo this is one-shots of creepypasta so enjoy! Requests are open! Examples- Jeff, BEN, EJ, Hoodie etc.