Laughing Jack X Reader

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 I woke up to my younger sibling jumping on my bed. "Get off!" I yelled as she screamed and ran off downstairs. I had come to visit for Halloween and was already regretting it.  "Stupid younger sibling" I muttered rolling over in bed and dozing off once again until my mother came in to complain. (y/n) its noon get up!" she said pulling my covers off. "Fine ill get up " I muttered, crawling out of bed and going to my closet. I grabbed a (f/c) top and some jeans, I added a skull  choker and pumpkin earrings to get in the spirit. I walked down stairs grabbing a lollipop and sitting down on the couch with my phone. "Why do you get a lollipop!" My younger sibling asked in her whiny voice. "Because I'm an adult, go ask mom" I said as I started texting a friend. "Mom can I have a lollipop!" My sibling screamed making me jump. "Don't yell, go over to her and ask" I said, I looked down at my phone getting up. "Mom Ill be back later tonight!" I called and left the house to meet up with (f/n). I met up at her house and walked in "I'm here" I called looking around. No answer. "Hello?" I called again walking a little more. Still no answer.

I turned a corner and heard the floor creak, I spun around as my fist went forward and hit (f/n) in the face. "Ow!" she yelled holding her nose, I held my hands over my mouth trying not to laugh. "I'm so sorry" I said as we walked over to a couch she had and we sat down. "Its bleeding!" she exclaimed and looked at me, "(y/n) have you been boxing or something" she said glaring. "Sorry, you know how I get" I chuckle and closed my eyes "so since Halloween is coming up I was thinking" she started but I cut her off. "Sure, why not" I say making her gasp, "you knew didn't you!" she said making me open my eyes. "Huh?" I asked confused "your up to summoning LJ!" I jumped up at her reply "what no!" I exclaimed my heartbeat increasing. "Why you scared?" she teased making me go red.  "I-its not that" I said as it clicked into her mind.  "We need to do it now!" she said pulling me up and taking me up to her room. "Oh no" I said as I saw she had the summoning all set up, worry filled me of her getting killed but happiness of maybe seeing LJ. We grabbed a knife just in case and we started the summoning, fear ran through me or was the my heart waiting to attack? 

"Anything?" asked (f/n) looking around, I shook my head. "Damn" she whispered blowing out a candle and popping a lollipop in her mouth. I sighed and sat down feeling disappointed, "oh well" I said and took out my phone scrolling through insta. That's when (f/n) started to cough, I looked over at her as she had dropped the lollipop and held her throat. "(f/n) you okay?" I asked getting up and patting her back as she kept coughing and shaking her head. "(F/N?)" I said worried as I went behind her "I'm giving you the Heimlich" I said as I got in position and began the Heimlich.  It didn't work and I started to freak out until I heard a clown horn, by then (f/n) had stopped coughing and was gasping for air. "Shit" I said grabbing the knife and locking her bedroom door. "Get behind me" I ordered as I watched the door nob turn "hello children" I heard turning my head only to have my heart stop for a few seconds. There stood Laughing Jack, in the flesh and he had (F/n). "Let her go!" I yelled holding tightly onto the knife as if it was my life.

"What will you give me" he smiled as his long fingers slowly moved down to (f/n) neck. I started to shake "" I said not letting my eyes leave his eyes. His eyes narrowed and his grin widened as he pushed (f/n) to me. I grabbed her setting her behind me and turning back to him only he was right in front of me and no longer across the room. Without thinking my arm swung at him with the knife only to have him dodge. "Your not like the other children" he said as I attacked again and again.  He took a deep breath and let out a long annoyed sigh, "you take to long" he said as he knocked the knife out of my hand and held onto me so I could not move. My heart beat increased and he knew it "you scared?" he asked as his fingers trailed my neck. I didn't say anything "oh I see" he said letting me go and looking me in my eyes. "You love me, the killer clown" he laughed but stopped at stared at me. "Y-yes" I nodded but not looking at his eyes but at his lips.

"Prove it" he said with a grin, making my eyes widened. I looked over at (f/n) looking over in horror. "I'm sorry..." I whispered grabbing the knife and walking over to her.  "(Y/n) don't do this" she said shaking, trying to get away. "You heard him (f/n) I need to prove it" I said as I smiled "please let me go, were friends" she said tears starting to flow. "Then you would want me to be happy" I say kneeling down next to her and slowly bring the knife up by her heart. "I love you (f/n) Ill see you in the after life" I said feeling my eyes water as I pushed the knife into her chest and into her heart. I covered her mouth as she tried to scream, tears also falling from her eyes. She went limp and I stood up looking at LJ seeing his wicked grin. "Good job, shall we go?" he said handing me a lollipop, I nodded taking it and we left. I proved my love and lost a friend but did get my lover.

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