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"What's the worst that I could say? Things are better if I stay. so long, and goodnight." My Chemical Romance, (Helena)

Harry's POV

I was brought to the alley behind the house and I couldn't help but think about how many bad things happen to me in alleys.

I didn't try to fight back, hopefully this will all blow over soon and we go our separate ways. So when the bastard threw me on the ground, I caught a glance of who would do this lame shit and almost choked on my laughter.

Fucking Zayn Malik? Are you kidding me?

I couldn't help it, I burst out in stomach-wrenching laughter and Zayn looked around uncomfortably.

"Zayn, when were you gonna tell me you were such a badass?" I coughed in between gasps. Oh, he's even got the all-black garb and everything! How cute.

"Shaddup, Styles, you don't understand," he sighed and pulled his black beanie over his eyes.

Same overdramatic Zayn.

"Alright, make me understand, then. Go on, pop a squat and tell Granddaddy Styles what's wrong." The fact that I have more power over this prick is hilarious. This whole situation is just hilarious. Wouldn't these people have checked the back alley by now?

If they were looking for me, that is.

Elena's POV

What. Just. Happened?

Okay, so Harry was just kidnapped. That is slowly processing in my brain.

But my sister and Liam seem to not care...?

I mean, yes, this is Harry we're talking about.

But he's still a living person, and Ed dipped out the jam, so I have no idea who to turn to.


Guess I didn't have to do the turning. Jesy suddenly appeared in front of me and I just stared at her. Her boobs were everywhere, and I mean, if you've got it, flaunt it, but it's overwhelming.

I folded my arms over my chest that only covered the first letter of the alphabet.

"You need to go out to the back, since I sense you're the only one left here who cares," she hastily looked around the now half-filled basement. My sister and Liam were conversing as if it was a lovely day.

"The back? What's in the back?" I asked.

Jesy groaned like she was just told to go to her room for a time-out.

"Don't ask questions, alright? Just go! We are dealing with Zayn here!"

Her eyes were wide and frantic and I leaned back. She was scary.

"But aren't you going with me? Who's Zayn?"

Jesy closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

"Go," she said through clenched teeth. Geez, fine.

Are all big breasted people so temperamental?

I shouldn't make generalizations, after all, she is trying to help, and I have no idea what the hell is going on.

I reached the back door and instantly grew frightened again. What will become of me when I step out here?

I slowly opened the entryway into hell and almost turned back around.

"What the hell," I groaned loudly.

Harry was smoking a cigarette, sitting cross-legged on the ground while some dude cried on his shoulder.

"Hi," Harry lifted a hand.

"Who's there?" The guy sniffled. He lifted his head and whined like a broken car and I hoped I didn't make a stink face, but goodness.

Even an emotional wreck, this guy was very attractive and I found myself flushed. He looked middle eastern, and I couldn't help but grow a little nervous, because lord, he is absolutely gorgeous. Even I can tell in this harsh moonlight and even harsher circumstance.

"Elenaaaaa," he buried his face in his hands. Okay, he knows who I am.

"There, there, Zayn." Harry said in a monotonous voice, taking a drag on his cigarette.

Zayn? This was the big, bad, and bold guy I was supposed to be afraid of? Okay, what exactly is Jesy's perception of danger?

"You look like you're in danger," I mumbled sarcastically.

"I'm not usually like this," Zayn huffed like a child. I nodded sympathetically while Harry chuckled.

"Yeah, I am supposed to be tied up and helplessly while Zayn beats me half to death,"

"Shut up!" He whined.

Alright, time for some damage control.

"Harry, shut up." I instructed like my sister does in mom-mode.

"Fuck off," he responded with an eye roll.

I felt my face fall, but I turned to Zayn regardless of the blow.

"Right, so, Zayn, why don't you tell me what's up?" I asked gently, kneeling down to face him.

"Oh no, I can't do that," he said wiping his eye. "Not you," he added.

"Then let's pretend it's not me," I responded.

"Let's pretend I'm someone else, let's pretend I'm someone you love." I tenderly said.

He was silent for a while, but eventually responded with a broken "okay."

"Can we take a walk?" He asked quietly.

I nodded.

We stood up, and a voice next to us said "I'm coming too."

I looked at Harry, stones in my eyes.

"No the hell you aren't," I shot back.

Harry flicked his cigarette to the ground and walked towards me. He cupped my face with one face, commanding me to look at him.

"Get out while you can," he grumbled, then he stalked off.

I couldn't help but stand there in awe.

"Hey, Zayn?" I said in a trembling voice.


"Can you tell me about Harry's past? I think he may have known my brother."

Zayn's eyes grew wide.

"I'm not sure-"

"I do."


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