Chapter 6; court trial

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Finally! Amber stepped back into London, after being in Ireland for three days, she was happy to be back at Baker Street.

Amber had her hair up in a small bun, she wore black glasses with hardly any make up on- as she didn't need it- her long, jet black eyelashes curled over and she wore a skirt that was five inches above her knee, she had a freshly ironed white T-Shirt on with a black blazer and her green coat on. Amber wore shiny shoes with a slight heel on them, with black tights.

Amber knocked on 221B and Mrs Hudson answered the door.

"Hello darling, don't you look smart?" Mrs Hudson blurted.

"Thank you, I'm kind of nervous for today" Amber whispered

"I'm sure you will be fine love." Mrs Hudson whispered with a warming smile.

Sherlock and John were sat in their chairs, drinking coffee.

The door slowly opened and Mrs Hudson and Amber walked in. Sherlock smiled as soon as he saw Amber, he shot straight up from his chair to greet her.
Sherlock kissed and shook Ambers hand. Amber loves it when Sherlock does that, it makes her feel special.

"You're nervous, why are you nervous?" Sherlock sharply asked Amber.

"How do you know I'm nervous?"

"Obvious, your hand is sweating and shaking faster than I've ever seen it shake before, plus I heard you tell Mrs Hudson you were nervous as you came up the stairs." Sherlock replied quickly.

Sherlock gently grabbed Ambers hips and pulled her in closer

"Why are you nervous?" Sherlock whispered, while kissing her on the forehead.

Amber looked up at Sherlock and looked into his eyes, Sherlock looked down into Ambers eyes and gave her a warm smile.

"I'm scared Sherlock, I haven't seen George in a week. It's going to be awkward, he scares me. The things he can do." Amber confessed.

Sherlock frowned at Amber and pulled her in closer. Sherlock's chin rested on Ambers head as they hugged. Ambers hair smelt like coconut, Sherlock loved it. They hugged for a good two minutes, after that Amber looked a little more relaxed.

"You have no reason to be scared of him, me and John will be there to protect you" Sherlock whispered

Amber smiled at Sherlock and looked at John. John looked at Amber and then looked at Sherlock, as Amber and Sherlock stood side by side, John could tell that they would make a lovely couple.

"It will be okay Amber, don't you worry about it" John said calmly.

Amber smiled at John and Sherlock, as she finally felt secure and Safe. She sat down on the sofa were Sherlock and her snuggled up the night when Amber shot Moriarty.

"What time do you have to be there" Mrs Hudson asked the three of them.

John and Amber looked straight at Sherlock.

"Ten o'clock" Sherlock sighed.

"You have forty-five minutes, are you all ready" Mrs Hudson asked curiously.

Sherlock looked at Amber and smiled. Amber and Sherlock both looked at John and nodded.

"Yes, I think we're all ready" John sighed.

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