Chapter 28; Dinner

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The nine of them were sat around a large and long table.

The waiter came around and ordered everyone's food and drinks.

At one end of the table was Phoebe, at the other end was Olivia.

After 5 minutes of ordering their drinks the waiter came around the table with a large tray which held all their drinks.

Phoebe started dancing and swinging her arms and slapping her little table that was connected to her baby high chair. On the other side of the table. Olivia was banging her knife and fork on the table.

"Why do kids like to make so much noise?" Lestrade laughed.

"Olivia stop!" Mary shouted

Olivia started crying and raised her arms up to John so he could pick her up.

John went to her chair and picked Olivia up. As soon as John put her on his lap, she stopped crying.

Amber held Phoebes hands still and kissed them. This made Phoebe stop hitting the table.

After an hour of talking around the table, everyone's food had finally arrived.

MyCroft ordered and Large roast, his eyes grew wide.

"I thought you were on a diet?" Sherlock asked MyCroft

MyCroft ignored his brother and started to cut the meat up.

"Didn't you say you wanted to lose weight, especially after you got stuck in a slide today." Lestrade chirped.

Everyone laughed.

"My my fat" Phoebe shouted.

MyCroft slammed his fork on the table.

"Sowwy My My" Phoebe Said while crying.

Amber picked Phoebe up and went outside so she would calm down.

"I'm sorry guys. I do want to lose weight it's just."

"Just what?" Sherlock blurted

"I love food" MyCroft Said with Shame.

Everyone started laughing again.

Amber walked back over with Phoebe, she placed her in her high chair.

"I think Phoebe is getting tired." Amber stated.

"Oh no! Amber don't go back to your room now. You and I should go to the night club tonight. John and Sherlock can look after the kids, we deserve it." Mary shouted

"Okay. If that's fine with them, but what is everyone else going to do?" Amber wondered

"MyCroft and I are going to the spa." Lestrade said

Amber laughed. "Okay"

"I'm probably going to play bingo." Mrs Hudson Said.

"Okay, so what time are we going to leave?" Amber wondered.

"Well we need to get dressed up girl!!" Mary shouted to Amber.

"Okay. Shall we go now?" Amber Said.

"Yes." Mary replied.

Amber kissed Phoebes cheek and held her hands.

"Bye bye princess. Have fun with Daddy. I love you" Amber said to Phoebe.

Phoebe waves and shouted "bye mama"

Amber smiled and kissed Sherlocks lips passionately.

"I'll be back later" Amber said to Sherlock

"Okay, I love you" Sherlock whispered in Ambers ear.

"I love you too." Amber replied.

Amber and Mary walked out the restaurant together.

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