Hello, It's Me, Election Day.

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Hello, it's me, election day,

hooray, a holiday you celebrate like no other:

two candidates

a battle of wits

in the pits of Washington.

White? Check. Men? Check.

It seems neck and neck.

Who will win?

It's up to you.

Except, not really.

Truly, there's only one thing that matters,

which lesser evil will reach the top of the ladder

Let's guess, shall we?

If one is slightly racist or fascist, he's in luck,

I say 'he', politics is no place for a 'she' to fuck up.

If one has an IQ smaller than his ego

somehow, thats charisma,

ergo, a shoe in.

If one has at least 20 sexual assault allegations

or a history of cultural appropriation

Guaranteed presidential initiation.

Hello, I'm Election Day, I hope you voted today.

Whether you did, or you didn't,

you're screwed anyway.

So here's a toast to the next four years,

to your greatest fears,

and all of your tears.

I wrote this in November of last year. You can understand why. That's all I'm going to say about it. Goodbye.

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