Heavy Thoughts

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Thank God Grillby's here, but... Dad. The way Grillby said that. He's... sick. It sounded like... like he could fall down or dust or... or...

NO! I can't cry. I have to stay strong for Papyrus. Deep breaths, Sans. Just like Dad always...

I felt tears forming in the corners of my eye sockets. I forced myself to focus on my breathing. Inhale for 4 seconds, hold for 7 seconds, exhale for 8. I did that at least 5 times before I felt calm enough to stop.

Dad, you have to be okay. You have to. I need you. Papyrus needs you. Asgore needs you. Alphys needs you. The whole damn Underground needs you!! Stay alive, or I swear...

Papyrus came tearing down the stairs carrying a piece of paper with a rather good drawing on it, considering he was two. I immediately left those thoughts behind and smiled widely. 

"Hey Paps!!" Watcha draw?!?"

"I drawed a picture of me and you and Daddy and Griw- Grib- Gwillby!!" The pride on his face was evident as held up his scribbles.

"Oh my gosh! Paps!! It's perfect!! Just like you." I grinned as Pap giggled and pounced on me.

"Your dinner's ready!!" Grillby's voice resounded from the kitchen, reminding Papyrus why he drew his picture in the first place. He bounded off to the kitchen with his radiant smile showing. Heh.

I got up off the couch and headed for the kitchen, almost forgetting why I was upset.

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