ch-23 painful childhood

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sibando,Meethee,MissAlvina,Yashaswini231,SayCutiee ,yakshetha,DEEKSHATIWARI16,fkenia19,Aditya3321610,abcd1290,deviousbooboo29,PoojaLodhi8,ammulu3,AparnaTrivedi467,kavyapratapsingh,shearshi,SrivaniVarma,Nagendra7,yashu134 ,thank u all for votes and comments.

Kabir pov

( flashback continue....)

I was driving my car towards my destination, where I got him ...that bastard who made me orphaned. I still remembered that incident which changed my life.


"What I said to you when I come here next  time, you will give me my money.  So where is my money?"  Asked a man around thirty.

"My husband is going to arrange your money? " my mom said.

"Really.... Arrange and how will he do that?  I remember he left his dad house to marry you then how will he arrange 20 millions ?" Same man asked again.

"He... He... Will.. Do... Something " my mom replied .

"Do something?... What a joke... I am hearing this same thing almost two months, why you don't do a thing leave your husband so he could go back to his dad and then he can give me my money back. " he said which made my mom shut her mouth because she didn't want to create more problem to my dad. He was suffering because of money. When he left grandpa house he didn't take a single thing to his home. He managed everything alone that time after five years of suffering dad reached here but he wanted to give me everything which every parents want to give their son so he started his own business and for that he took his money. When dad lent the money he said he can give back it after one year but after one month he started here come and threatened my mom when my dad was not home.

"You should not talk to my wife like this Jorden " said my dad after entering the hall. Which made my mom relief.

"I didn't say anything wrong Mr Calson if you will leave your wife then your dad can give you money to pay me back. " it was enough for my dad to let him out to our house because my dad really loved my mom.

"Out.. " said my dad in full rage.

"What you said? " he asked like he didn't believe his ears.

"I said out " dad repeated in same tone.

"You... You are saying me get out just because of that bit** , wait what I will do" he said and then took out his gun to his jacket.

"I will kill her" that person said and then next he killed my mom.

"Mom... " I shouted.

When my dad saw my mom in this condition . he moved towards that person who shot my mom.

"You bast*** " said my dad and then started beating him and the most important thing when my dad was beating him his men didn't interrupt at once.

"Strange " I thought .

When my dad was beating him and tried to snatch the gun from his gun but then suddenly I heard a gun shoot and next minute my dad was on floor covering with his own blood, I was crying to see my parents condition but could not do anything to help them because I was small only 4 years old child who was his parents murdered in his own house.

When that person saw my dad was in floor he was shock like he didn't want to kill him and then someone came to near him and dragged him with his men who was following him from behind .

"Dad... Mom" I was crying to see their condition.

After one hour door opened and grandpa came and took me with his men helped to take my parents to hospital but doctor didn't able to save them.

End flashback

That day I lost my parents I promised myself that I will punish him what he did to me and my parents. That's the reason I made myself like that so I didn't have any weakness. I always followed my grandpa order because I wanted to become strong to take my revange and now I am near to that person. you  killed my parents. I will give him same painful die which he did to my parents.

"I am coming Jordon just wait and watch what I will do to you"






Here is the chapter as I promised, next update take some time because of my exam so wait till my exam will not next part after 24 so enjoy and don't asked soon update. And thanks to icycrystals who made this new cover.

Love you all

Have a nice day.

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