Ch-42visit to friends

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Third person pov:

"What the hell happening with me... "

I shouted in frustration. Didn't have any idea what had happened to me since I talked to that old man.

His each words are roaming in my mind again and again, making me distract to my work.

Did I do right to let her go?

Should I have asked to her, what she really wants?

Those questions is keep roaming into my mind, didn't let me do any work peacefully.

I have spent many sleepless night without her. Has she also suffered like me or it is only me who suffered here?

Again those questions started roaming in my head. Then I remembered about our last kiss. Which was full of love. It was only showing her love towards me.

"It means she still loves me.... "

I came out on a conclusion after thinking about the whole situation.

"But she is till angry to you..."

A voice came out of my head. Then suddenly I heard another voice which came out of my heart.

" Yes... But it doesn't change the fact that she still loves you. "

Hearing my heart answer, I was feeling too happy right now. But still the fear was inside my heart isn't letting me go near her again.

I was too confused because of my own decision. First I let her went... While making her hate myself. When she started hating me. I don't want it also. But now I cann't change my past, not when grandfather is here in my life. Who can harm her without thinking twice.

"Oh... God... "

I mumbled under in my breath in frustration. Then looked at his wrist to see the time.

" 11 o'clock.. Too late.. "

I thought while taking my coat from my chair. So I could take my leave.

When I came outside of my office building. I directly went in parking lot, where my driver was waiting for me. He wished me as soon he noticed my presence. Then opened the car door for me.

I nodded in reply of his wish, then took a seat in back of my car. Before I ordered my driver, I got a call from Sam.


I asked rudely, because I already know what he wanted to say.

"K... Please atleast come here to stay tonight. "

Sam pleaded again like he always does since I left Tom's home to avoid their unwanted questions .

I know, they had lots of questions but I didn't have any answer, so I thought it would be better if I stop visiting them.

So I could avoid their questions as much I could . But it looked like, now I can't avoid them and their questions as well.

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