ch- 8 ( permission)

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Kaira pov

I was going towards my because, it was a holiday, today .so I didn't need to go hospital.

When I reached home, my all family was already present in living room .

"I think they already had their dinner " I thought.

So I moved towards my room without disturbing anyone but stopped to here my  nani's voice.
(grandma )

"I heard someone was come here to meet you? "
she asked in her strike voice .

"Ji( yes) ,a friend of mine "
I answered her but couldn't meet my eyes to her, I know what would be her next question so I am preparing myself for it.

" you know I told you ,didn't make any relation with them then why did she come her? "
She asked in her angry voice.

"She didn't do anything wrong with me than how could I tell her not to come here to meet me.
It wasn't her mistake if he broke my trust. " I told

"Yes, you are right, it isn't her mistake it is your mistake, you did all. First ,you want to go ,Landon for your study when we denied you promised us that you will not do anything which broke our trust but what you did ,you broke it and loving that boy without thinking about us and our reputation. I couldn't believe how could you do same mistake which your mom did?  Didn't you learn anything from her mistake? " she asked questions which I didn't have any answer, I know my dad did to leave my mom but it was not her mistake if my dad leave her. she truly loved him but he left her.

     I know she was elder to me but how could she blame her own blood for that mistake which she didn't do, I thought then answered her.

"It.... was...... not...... her...
..mistake " I said between my sob.

"Look Balraj your lovely daughter now argue with me" she told my mama( mother's brother)

He saw my tears but he couldn't say anything to nani( grandmother)  as he respect her, so he looked towards me,pleading to not say anything from his eyes.

"I..... Am...... Sorry. " I said with teary face.I didn't want mama ji heard anything wrong because of me. Then moved towards my room.

When I reached my room couldn't stop my cry anymore.

"I am missing you mom, "I said
holding my mom picture.Than talked to her picture.

"I know mom I shouldn't have broken my promise but i thought he couldn't do that what dad did with you but I am wrong. I did.... it, he didn't ... only break my trust but he also broke me, now I couldn't trust anyone...... Couldn't love anyone...... And in all things I am doing wrong with ......sid. He loves..... Me. After knowing my whole past but I didn't, mom. Please let me help to forget my past..... " I said and crying from whole heart. It was because me, everyone was unhappy if I couldn't ask them to go London than it couldn't happen.


10 years ago in India.

Please...... Mama ji ( uncle) ,if you will ask nani ji ( grandma) than she couldn't say no, please...... I said with puppy eyes which I know he couldn't say no.

"But you know her, she couldn't change her decision " he said

"I know but if you will convince her than she couldn't say no" I said.

"OK, but if she say didn't convince than don't be sad, OK? " he asked.

"OK" I said then my mama ji went towards nani's room ,i followed him but I didn't go in nani's room because of my fear, but after 20 minutes I heard a voice calling me into the room.

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