People who are logged on: Harry, Draco
Draco:can I tell u something
Draco:I sort have got a little crush on u
Draco:and by little I mean a huge crush on u
Harry:well will u be my boyfriend Draco
Draco:definitely but I need to keep this a secret because if my father finds out I will possibly get killed
Harry:okay that seems very harsh but nobody really knows I am gay so it's fine to keep this a secret but we can tell Ron and 'Mione
'Mione logged in
'Mione:I have missed something haven't I why would u think that
'Mione:harry I know I have missed something and since when are you typing u instead of you
Harry:Draco tort me it and Draco should we tell her
Draco:me and Harry are going out
'Mione:thought so
Ron has logged in
Draco:before you freak out me and Harry have something to say
Ron:is it because of Harry screaming and fanboying over something
Draco:Harry really and probably
Harry:ok I was excited
Ron:what is it then
Draco:me and Harry are going out
Ron:as friends?
Draco:he is my BOYFRIEND
Ron:ok but Draco you are gay
Draco:extremely yes
Ron:but what if your father finds out
Draco:that's why we have only told you and 'Mione
Draco:I gtg now and do the homework I have so bye ily
Harry:ily2 bye
Draco has logged off
Ron:is he gayer than u harry
Harry:a lot gayer
Ron:how is that even possible
Harry:you haven't seen his room or the way he has spoken to people in slytherin
Ron:and you have
Harry:it's called FaceTime and it is an app you can download onto your mobile device we have got given to us
Ron:so I can FaceTime Draco and see his roomA/N: comment on questions for the q and a