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These are the people logged on: Harry, Draco, Ron, 'Mione

Ron: people have started calling me a loser so I found this song called loser like me and hopefully my life ends up like this

Draco: .....?

Harry: ^^^^ same

'Mione: that is horrible Ron and btw should we really confuse Snape or dumbledore with song lyrics

Draco:why not Voldemort

Harry: why not all of them dumb-as-a-door, Volde-wort and Vape we can make a chat room and use song lyrics to prank them and confuse them

'Mione: that is exelant Harry

Ron: we just have to find a song

'Mione: what is your favourite band Ron

Ron: does psycho stick count if not probaly skillet

'Mione:well we could use the song I can only count to four that will work do you all know that song

Harry: I know the song and I can hear Ron listening to it

Draco: then we all know the song and it will work

A/N: sorry for not updating but Christmas has got in the way and visiting family but hopefully it all goes back to normal soon and comment on questions you want to ask me for the q and a i won't make a date of the q and a until I have enough questions to answer then I will actually say when the q and a is going to be

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