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These are the people who are logged on: Harry, 'Mione, Ron

Harry: Hello 'Mione and Ron

Ron: hi

'Mione: Hello

Harry: so what do you want to talk about

Ron: Idk

'Mione: I don't know

Draco has logged on

Draco: Hi Harry, Ron, 'Mione

Harry: Hi Dray

'Mione: Hello

Ron: hi

Harry: I have just had a really good idea

Draco: ok

'Mione: ok

Harry: because none of us know what to do let's play 20 questions

Draco: ok then

Ron: that's a gr8 idea harry

'Mione: sure

Harry: does everyone know how to play

Ron: no

Harry: so what you need to do is ask the players 5 questions so we have answered 20 questions all together but you can ask different people questions so for example if Dray asked you if you have ever kissed a guy and your answer is no you would say no and ask a question

Ron: ok who is starting

Harry: Dray can start

Draco: ok Ron have you ever gotten drunk

Ron: yes 'Mione have you ever liked another girl

'Mione: no Harry how old were you when you found out you were gay

Harry: 11 Dray how old were you when you found out you liked guys

Draco: 13 Ron have you ever had a crush on a guy

A/N: find out what his answer is in the next chapter and thank you for the views I didn't even know I would get 10 comment on q and a questions

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