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These are the people who are logged on: Harry, Draco, 'Mione, Ron, Snape

'Mione: why were you acting really weird in class today Harry

Harry: so you realised something was weird

'Mione: yes I noticed

Harry: it was because of the convocation I had with Snape and Draco

Ron: what was the convocation

Draco: he asked us when our anniversary is

'Mione: yeah that would creep me out as well

Snape: I am here you know

Harry: sorry

Snape: ok

Snape: I have to see professor Dumbeldore now bye

Snape has logged off

'Mione: I have to do homework bye

'Mione has logged off

Ron: I am going to do homework

Ron has logged off

Draco: I have to go pansy is coming bye ily

Harry: ily2 bye

Draco has logged off

Harry has logged off

A/N: Sorry if I upload late because I might be getting a job and I am doing other things at the same time so the only time I actually have is late at night to upload but leave comments saying if I should go back to my old way of writing or keep writing like this. Comment on q and a questions

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