Chapter Nine

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If he could access to all of this every single day, Leo would certainly move into STARK Tower.

He finished working on Steve's shield, rotating it this way and that. The vibranium metal wasn't tarnished at all, but if Leo turned it a certain way, he could see tiny glints of gold and bronze. He nodded in satisfaction, flipping the shield over and heading to the intercom. "Hey, Captain, Bones!" he said into it. "Can I have a test down here?"

"What floor?" Steve asked.

Leo scratched his head. "Uh . . . "

"Floor 27, sir," JARVIS said from overhead.

"Thanks, JARVIS," Nico said, his voice muffled. "And don't call me Bones!"

"Yeah, yeah, Death Breath. Get down here already."


He could hear the laughter of the other demigods as Leo shut off the intercom and turned, checking the rest of his supplies. He still had his tool belt, and many of its contents were spread over the workshop tables. Hunks of Imperial gold and Celestial bronze were piled on one, and a blazing fire was going in the center of the room. He lifted the googles he wore and smiled. Yeah. I could definitely live here.

The doors to the workshop slid open, and the two pairs of footsteps stopped instantly. He heard two exclamations.

Steve: "This is incredible!"

Nico: "Did that belt give you a portable version of Bunker 9?!"

Leo laughed and turned to face them, both of them having their jaws on the floor. "Portable Bunker 9," he tried out. "I like that. Thanks, Nico!"

"Bunker 9?" Steve asked in surprise.

"Hephaestus Cabin HQ," Leo explained, checking the fire temperature. "I found it with Festus. It had existed for some time. I don't know how long it was there before we found it. But when I did . . . " He snapped his fingers. "Quest time!"

"You said you needed a test?" Nico asked.

Leo nodded and turned. "So I figured that I couldn't just remake entire weapons, because hey, that would take too long, and Kronos is the freaking Titan of time, so that's not a good combination. So, I took a different route." He flipped Steve's shield up. "Does this look or feel different to you?"

Steve took the shield and hefted it experimentally. "No to both."

Leo grinned. "I completed my mission. Flip it to the light."

Steve did, and Leo smiled when he saw the glints of gold and bronze. Steve's eyes widened. "You imbued it?"

Leo shrugged. "It was a little bit of work because of the vibranium, but if you hit a monster head on, they should disintegrate. That's partly why I asked Nico to come down here."

"So I can summon monsters for people to try and kill?" Nico asked.

Leo nodded. "I know it drains you, but I need to know if they work or not."

Nico sighed, standing back. "All right. It's only for the entire world."

He stretched out his hands, and two skeletons crawled out of the ground somehow. Steve instantly threw his shield. It boomeranged between the two skeletons, and Leo smiled when he saw them disintegrate. "There's enough in there for monsters. Definitely."

Steve held up a hand and caught his shield as it came back around, and he stared at Leo in shock. "Are you sure you aren't related to Tony?"

Leo grinned. "I'm taking that as a compliment." He examined Clint's arrowheads. "I modified Natasha's guns to fire Imperial gold and Celestial bronze bullets. She can take them to one of the training rooms to work with those." He looked up. "Should I try her knives, too?"

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