Chapter Eleven

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Note: this was written BEFORE "The Blood of Olympus" came out. So this is not going to follow that book. All members of the Seven are still alive and together, and a few certain demigods are not dead (even though I'm kind of glad one in particular died in the book).


"That was Connor," Annabeth told Percy as she hung up her phone. "The Hermes, Athena, Hephaestus, and Apollo cabins are on their way out here."

"Good," Percy sighed in relief. "We can use all the help we can get."

"And Octavian was rather . . . vocal about helping us out again," Jason told them as he looked over the map of Manhattan. "Reyna got him out of the picture rather quickly."

Leo tried not to look too hopeful. "He's dead?"

"No," Jason replied, shaking his head before mumbling, "unfortunately," under his breath.

"Fury's gathering all known SHIELD operatives in the area," Natasha reported. "He says he'll be bringing in the Helicarrier, too."

"That's been fixed?" Steve asked.

"You'd be surprised."

"And the nature spirits are ready," Grover put in.

Piper looked at Jason. "Any word from Thalia?" she asked.

"No," Jason replied, shaking his head. "Not yet."

"We know who we're facing on this side," Frank spoke up as he looked at Thor. "What's Loki got?"

"Loki has made an ally of the Chitauri," he replied, absently spinning Mjolnir around. "We should expect to see them. I do not know if he will bring Frost Giants or not."

Piper made a face. "If they're anything like Khione, gods help me . . . "

"I'll handle the Frost Giants for you, Beauty Queen," Leo offered.

Piper nodded. "Probably the best."

The elevator dinged, and Hazel appeared with Nico and Rachel. "We've spotted boats coming up the Hudson," she told them. "There are telekhines and some weird-looking aliens with them."

"Chitauri," Tony growled.

"What's the plan?" Steve asked.

"Always make the best impression," Percy said. "Jason, Leo, I think you two should come with me. Bruce, why not bring you as well?"

Bruce nodded nervously. "Should the Other Guy make an appearance?"

Percy nodded. "First impressions should be your best. Give it all you've got."

Bruce nodded. "Will do."

Jason looked at Annabeth. "Annabeth, Frank, Steve, Tony, watch our backs."

They nodded. "Well, then," Percy said, rubbing his hands together. "Let's go make the Hudson explode. Again."


When they made it to the base of Stark Tower, two vans for a strawberry service pulled up. The doors slid open, and teenagers in bronze armor poured out, various weapons ranging from bows to hammers to swords to spears in their hands. "Hermes, reporting for duty," one of the boys announced, giving a mock salute.

His brother punched him in the arm. "Be serious, dude!"

"I'm just saluting my leader!" PUNCH. "OW!"

Percy chuckled, slapping the boy on the shoulder. "Good to know you haven't lost your sense of humor, Travis."

He beamed. "Thanks, Perce!"

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