Favourite Person - Boyf.

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(this was originally in my boyf riends one-shot book but i felt it didn't really fit in well)

Today's the day. The day play rehearsal has led up to. Tonight I'll star in my first proper show at the theatre house.

"Jeremy! Isn't this exciting?" Christine's voice buzzes through the air.
"S-sure is!"
"Are you nervous?" she asks.
"A little... it's just, well you know, everyone's going to be here. All our friends, my dad a-and.." I go to continue but Christine cuts me off.
"And Michael!"
I nod.

Everyone hustles around back stage. Props are getting set, voices are being warmed, costumes are on. Our big night starts soon. I read over my lines once again, taking them in and refreshing my mind.
"Places everyone!" the director calls.
Multiple 'good lucks!' are shared around the room as everyone takes their places and sets the scene.

After the play, Christine and I meet up with the 'squip gang' at sev-elev.
"Dude, Jeremy, that was hella lit!" Rich pats me on the back, a little too hard for my liking.
"Yeah! You and Christine were like, so vulnerable and real. It was like you weren't even acting!" Brooke adds.
I smile and thank them.

We step inside the store and get our slushies. Michael and I end up at the same machine.
"S-so, what did you think of my performance?" I ask timidly. Michael's opinions and approval mean a lot to me.
"Dude, it was rad," he smiles at me while he continues to fill a cup with the icey red drink. "You'll be a broadway star one day!"
"You really think so?" i blush at his words.
"Yeah, totally! Just don't forget me when you're famous," he half laughs.

We all sit on the car-park curb outside, sipping our ice cold drinks, laughing each time someone gets a brain freeze.
"How do you drink this stuff all the time, Micheal? It really does freeze your brain!" Christine giggles while holding her head.
"Guess I'm immune to it?" Michael shrugs and we all laugh.

The night ends on a happy high. We all part our ways and say our goodnights.
Michael and I get into his PT Cruiser. He starts the engine and drives.
The ride home was silent, but it was one of those 'you're here, i'm here' comfortable silences. We pull up in Michaels drive way and head inside.

It's 3am and I've finally finished the latest level of 'Apocalypse of the Damned'.
Michael sits aside me and yawns, "dude, are you ready to sleep now?"
I nod and switch off the console.
We both lie in separate sleeping bags on the basement floor. It's silent once again, but this time I feel uncomfortable.
"You know, if I ever do get famous, I won't forget you. Right?"
"What do you mean, Jere?"
I sigh, "today you said 'don't forget me when you're famous.' Well, I won't forget you."
Michael sits up and faces me, "I didn't really mean it seriously."
"I know that's not true."
I cut him off, "I know you think I'm going to leave again, abandon you, l-like-"
"Like at Jakes halloween party, yeah. You're right," he sighs. "I just.. get worried you know? Worried that you might not actually want to hang out with a looser like me after all."
My heart aches at the words Michael confessed. He still believes he's a looser, all because of me.

I move towards Michael and on to his lap, wrapping my arms and legs around it's torso.
"J-Jeremy, what are you doing?"
"Hugging you, dummy." I giggle and snuggle closer.
He hums in amusement and returns the hug.
"I'm sorry," I whisper.
"Hey, it's okay. I- I can't fully blame you for that night," Michael whispers as he traces patterns along my back.
"You're my favourite person, Michael. Never forget that."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 12, 2017 ⏰

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