IMAGINE: being twenty one pilot's assistant

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"Hey, Tyler, I got your Red Bull" you say , tossing it to him as you walk past. Slight confusion is painted on Tyler's face.

"I didn't ask for a red bull?" he stated.

"Yeah you don't have to, we all know you're addicted to them" you retort with a laugh. Tyler smiled

"Well thanks (Y/N) you're the best" he called as you contiuned to walk.

"I know!" you hollered back smiling to yourself. Honestly being their assistant wasn't that hard and you were more like a friend than an assistant anyways at this point. You had been touring with the boys for years now, when they first started out you were the person to book all their local gigs, now that they are more popular they have another person for that, which was fine with you , you liked being an assistant, no two days were alike.

You walked down the hall into Josh's hotel room. Your face went blank realizing he was still sleeping in bed.

"For fucks sake" you mumble to yourself. If Josh isn't in the lobby in 15 minutes the tour manager (your boss) would have your ass.

"Up and at em sleeping beauty!" you shouted clapping your hands together. Josh jumped slightly at the sudden noise.

"Ugh what time is it?" he groans rolling over pulling his blanket over his head.

"Time for you to get your sweet ass outta bed, we have 15 minutes before we have to be out of here and we still have to pack everything up so, light a fire under it, Dun" You replied, pulling his blanket off of him. He was curled up , wearing only boxers. You couldnt help but notice his morning wood and tight muscles.

"Hey don't look!" Josh said with a small chuckle as he covered himself with his hands.

"Oh please, it's nothing I haven't seen before" you answered tossing some clean clothes in his direction.

"When did you see my-" he began

"Last year. New years eve. Everybody got slammed and you flashed me in the hotel room." you answered quickly. He smiled as you talked, remembering the incedent.

"Oh yeah" he chuckled with a goofy smile.

"Oh yeah" you mocked in a childish voice.

"Put those clothes on and meet me in the lobby in 10 minutes, we have to be on the road by noon" you said before walking out of his room. You smiled to yourself when you shut the door. You liked Josh, he was funny and always nice.

"Hey (Y/N) you got any more red bull?" Tyler asked  catching up to you.

"What? No. Jesus you drank it that fast? Did you even taste it? Did it even touch your tongue or did you just inhale it?" you replied like a smartass. This made Tyler laugh loudly.

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