(GONER) Tyler/Josh x reader Part 1

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TRIGGER WARNING: if you are easily triggered please please please do not read this! I struggle with all of the issues mentioned in this story and I find writting about them helps me, so that's why I decided to write this. If any of you struggle with these issue I beg you to seek help and you can always talk to me. You are all beautiful and important to me. 💜Stay alive my friends 💜


This was it.... This was the last day of your life. You couldn't take the bullying anymore. It was relentless, and unforgiving. The kids at school could be mean, but not as mean as the voices in your head. You struggled with depression, anxiety, suicidal tendencies and an eating disorder for the past year now. You weren't quite sure how you let yourself fall prey to these things but there wasn't much you could do now. You didn't want to be here anymore, you felt like you didn't belong anywhere anymore.

Currently you were at a party that your friends Josh and Tyler dragged you to. You weren't having a good time, you just wanted to go home, like usual. Honestly you had feelings for Tyler, but he never saw you as anything but a friend. You looked at yourself in the bathroom mirror.

Ugly as always

You thought to yourself, no wonder Tyler didn't like you, you were just a fat nobody. You felt a familiar lump form in your throat and warm tears fell slowly down your cheek. You sighed in defeat. You opened the medicine cabinent and grabbed 3 different bottles of pills, slipped them into your pocket and walked out of the bathroom. You had to get out of here.

----------TYLER'S POV--------

This party was kinda lame, some chick is talking to me right now but honestly I'm not really listening to her, all I can think about is (Y/N)..she seemed so down today, I thought maybe this party would cheer her up but I haven't even seen her around. But then I seen her walk out of the bathroom , she looked like she had been crying , she took quick steps out of the house. Is she leaving? I look over at Josh who was across the room to find him already looking at me, the same look of confusion I had on my face was plastered on his. I motioned for him to follow me and we both left to look for (Y/N).

-------------JOSH'S POV---------

"Where's she going?" I asked looking at tyler as we finally pushed our way through the drunken crowd of people and out of the house.

"Maybe she went to the park?" Tyler suggested. Both of us quickened our pace as we walked towards the park down the street, knowing it was.     (Y/N's) favorite park. It was a rainy night, there was gentle wind and leaves brushed across the cold wet cement. Worry began to form in my stomach, something didn't feel right.

----------YOUR POV-------

Out of breath you continued to run to the park, tears now streaming down your face. When you got to the park you ran into the woods, and pulled a water bottle out of your bag. This was your favorite place. You emptied the pill bottles into your hand, and looked at them momentarilly before shoving them in your mouth and taking multiple gulps of water. You panted out of breath and took another handful. When all your water was gone you looked around. Things were already starting to blur and the woods began to spin around you. A slight smile formed on your face. It was working. You laid on the soft wet grass and looked up, there was a clearing in the tree tops where you could see the stars and moon shining down at you, making your smile grow wider. Things started to fade and you felt a little nauseous. You continued to lay there completley still.

(Y/N!!!) you heard Tyler's voice yell, you heard josh yell right after. You were surprised they even noticed you left the party. You could now hear their footsteps running toward you.

(Y/N!) what happened??" Tyler asked as he fell to his knees next to you hovering over you, panic and worry twisted on his face. Your breathing was slowing down. You looked at Tyler's beautiful eyes and smiled.

"I took a shit load of pills" you chimed. Tyler turned his attention to the empty pill bottles next to your body. His eyes filled with tears.

"J-JOSH! JOSH CALL- CALL 911!!" Tyler yelled as Josh ran over falling to your side as well. You could hear him frantically make the phone call. "Yes I need help my friend took a bunch of pills I don't know what kind they are-" Josh's shaky voice rang through your head. To your surprise he also started crying.

"Please hold on (Y/N) please please I cant lose you please don't leave me....TELL THEM TO HURRY THE FUCK UP!!" Tyler screamed with anger to Josh. Who was already begging them to hurry. Tyler turned his attention back to you. He leaned down kissed your head and then gently rested his forhead on yours. He was saying something with a soft tone of voice but you couldn't really hear, you couldn't really see and you couldnt really feel anymore. You heard the faint sound of sirens before everything faded.

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