Tyler/Josh x reader smut

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  "So when's tyelr coming?" you questioned looking over at Josh who was sprawled next to you on the couch.

   "Should be here any minute" he answered, his eyes never leaving the 60 inch TV screen that sat before him.

   You shifted your position on the couch so you were laying between Josh's legs, your head rested on his lower abdomen. He thought nothing of this, you two had always had a very close physical and emotional relationship. He smelled really good as usual, that was always the first thing you noticed about him and he knew it. The steady rhythm of his breathing relaxed you. He rested his arm on your back and gently rubbed the back of your neck with his thumb.

   "Oh god don't do that you're going to put me to sleep" you admit with a smile. Josh chuckled

  "Sorry" he chimed and his thumb stopped moving. At that moment Tyler walked in with a few bottles of liquor. You and Josh both sat up smiling at the sight.

"Who's ready to party?" Tyler asked holding up the bottles. You and Josh laughed.

"Jesus Tyler its only us three, why in the hell did you buy five bottles?" you questioned still laughing. Tyler simply smiled and walked into the kitchen setting the bottles down on the counter.

  "Variety is the spice of life, love" he answered, strugling to open a bottle.

"Need some help with that?" you joke as Tyler continues to struggle

"Need some help with that?" he retorts in a mocking tone. You laugh and shake your head. Josh grabs shot glasses out of the cupboard, his shirt lifts slightly from his waist as he reaches, showing his V line and happy trail. You blinked tearing your gaze away. Josh was a very very good looking man, the thought of you and him together had passed through your mind on multiple occasions. Same with Tyler he had sexy eyes and sometimes he'd look at you and smirk and it would send you over the edge, josh set the shot glasses on the counter.

"Fill em up" he said as you and him waited.

"Well what would you like? We have UV blue, apple pie vodka, hennesy, patron, and 99 bananas" Tyler listed.

"Oo I want the apple pie one" you chimed, tyler smiled and poured your shot . Josh went for the patron and Tyler had 99 bananas.

"To friends" Josh said holding up his shot, you all clinked glasses before downing the liquor. Yours was smooth,sweet, and delicious. You could tell Tyler's burned a little by the look on his face. Josh nodded as he swallowed his.

"I wanna try the apple one" he commented reaching for the bottle.

"It's really good" you mention, encouraging his decision. Tyler poured a shot of it for himself too.

"Oh my god wait!" Tyler exclaims walking towards the fridge.

"Yes!" he shouts as he pulls put some whip cream.

"This is why I love you" you say holding your shot out so tyler could top it with whip cream, and then Josh's as well.

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