Chapter Fifteen

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Max's POV:

Things I've learned over the past few days: a lot can happen in two weeks. John lent me these two stones from his chest that Conrad used to help me control fire and be immune to it with my Lumen, like John. In nearly a week, I'm completely fire proof and can easily control fire and make it myself with my Lumen. Nobody but Conrad, John, and Percy know about this yet, but I'll tell everyone soon. Maybe after they've all stopped fussing over the new scar on my neck.

I, of course, have had a really hard time trying to get over John. Everytime I seem just about ready to finally get over him, he pops out of nowhere and gives me a warm smile, which just makes me fall in love with him all over again.

Today though, things were different. I woke up in Nine's penthouse (which was fixed up by the Cêpans from the last battle we had here) and John came up to me, smiled at me, then complimented me. I didn't swoon over him or blush that time. I didn't do any of the things I would've done if Leo had said those words to me. I'm not completely over John yet, but it's definitely a start.

Now, everyone but me is sleeping soundly. I'm about to fall asleep on a comfy white couch when I feel someone softly poking my back.

"Max, are you awake?" A warm voice whispers. I turn around on my side and see Leo smiling warmly at me, dressed in his regular Camp Half-Blood t-shirt and magic tool-belt. He brightens when he sees me awake.

"Okay, quickly, get dressed. I want to show you something," Leo tells me, then leaves me to get dressed. I'll admit, I'm a little worried. The last time a guy wanted to show me something in the middle of the night I ended up being put under a love potion. I sigh and get up, quickly yet silently getting dressed into my new Camp Half-Blood t-shirt, jeans, and black leather jacket, then meet Leo back in the living room. I throw on my shoes and Leo smiles, grabs my hand, and pulls me into the open elevator.

"What do you want to show me?" I ask Leo as he presses the button in the elevator for the lobby. Leo looks at me, grinning.

"You'll see," he responds, looking back at the elevator door and fiddling nervously with a few wires from his tool belt. After a minute or so, the elevator stops at the lobby and hisses open. Leo happily drags me out of the elevator and into the lobby then begins to step outside into the crisp, cool air. Before he walks out, though, he quickly turns to me and softly covers my eyes with his hands. I almost jump up in surprise but quickly relax as I remind myself that it's just Leo.

"Leo, where are we going?" I ask Leo as he slowly leads me outside. I stay close to him and pray he doesn't lead me straight into a lamppost.

Leo stops us and I hear the soft ripple of waves from Lake Michigan in front of us. Oh Gods. What if Leo put a love potion into the lake like what Ivan did?

Then I remember that Leo doesn't need a love potion for me. He knows I love him, and as of right now, I'm single. He's probably just trying to get me back.

"Okay, Max. You ready?" Leo asks me. I nod my head and smile as I feel Leo softly press onto me from behind. "Okay. Open," Leo tells me then removes his hands from my eyes, now placing them on my waist. I open my eyes and see a small wooden boat floating atop Lake Michigan, only big enough for two people, lit by a bunch of small candles, the light reflecting off the rippling water of the lake. I gasp lightly as Leo softly places his chin on my shoulder.

"Leo, you..." I start but I can't find the right words. He softly grabs my hands and leads me to the boat. I sit down and Leo sits down next to me on my right, then grabs two paddle boards and slowly starts paddling us across the lake. He stops paddling when we're yards away from Chicago and drifting off down Lake Michigan.

"Leo, this is really great," I tell Leo, softly placing my hand on his. Leo smiles warmly but there's still that crazy glint in his eyes that makes it look like he drank too much coffee.

"Max, you haven't seen the best part," Leo tells me then holds his hand out in front of me. I smile as a familiar ball of red fire bursts to life in Leo's hand. Then it slowly rises up into the air, circling Leo and I as it creates a long line of fire in its path. I smile as Leo's fire moves in front of us and slowly creates half of a heart. Leo puts his hand up to make the other half when I softly push his arm down and lift mine instead, finishing Leo's heart of fire with my own.

Leo looks stunned at my new abilities, looking at me wide-eyed, but there's also a small smile on his face.

"I got a bit from my Lumen," I tell Leo softly. Leo chuckles and I conjure a small ball of fire in my hand. Leo gazes at it for a few seconds before looking back up at me, his expression serious now.

"Max, are you ready?" Leo asks me, looking anxious and nervous. I smile warmly at him then give him a soft, tender kiss on his forehead.

"I think I'm ready," I reply. Leo brightens then lets his flames die and leans in closer to me, his hands on my waist. I also let my flames die, place my hands on Leo's cheeks, and lean in closer to him. A second later our lips touch and we're kissing so passionately I feel like melting on the boat (even though I'm now unable to melt).

I smile through our kiss and run my hand through his curly black hair. Leo softly rubs my back and after a few moments of me wanting to stay trapped in that kiss forever, we finally break apart, staring at each other longingly. It was unlike any other time I've kissed John. I've never felt so passionate about anything in my life.

Leo and I stay in that position for what seems like hours, our foreheads touching as we stare into each other's eyes.

"I love you, Max Jackson," Leo tells me, softly brushing some of my curly, bright red hair out of my face and tucking it behind my ear. I smile warmly at him once again.

"I love you, too, Leo Valdez," I reply, and that's the truth.


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