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           "IT'S HOBI." Is what Yoongi hears from his roommate, Seokjin, when he wakes up. A migraine suddenly took place once he eyes fluttered open, as he felt that every part of his body seemed disgusting as if he had a hangover.

Without a word of thanks, which Seokjin is entirely used to, Yoongi grabs a hold of the wireless telephone and greets with a heavy, husky accent that Hoseok seemed to understand for some reason.

"Why'd you ditch Jungkook, you idiot?!" His voice startled the young adult, then making him confused. He ditched him? He doesn't remember the events clearly from yesterday anymore. All he could remember was that last thing that Jungkook said he had completely blacked out and suddenly dreamed.

Speaking of which, why did he dream about someone he's just met? Speaking of which, why did he dream of him being happy together with Jungkook?

"Are you still here? Hyung!" Yoongi's trance was snapped out, muttering a dazed apology to his friend before letting out his honest reasons. "I honestly don't know what happened, Hobi. I sort of just...blacked out after Jungkook said something." He knitted his eyebrows, unsure of what the younger even said to him before he blacked out.

"Blacked out? Hyung, you literally rushed out of the the restaurant and went back home! That poor boy had to finish after his mess and play the bills. Aish, what has gotten into you?" There's a small exasperated sigh that escaped from Hoseok whilst Yoongi only remained confused and dazed on the other line, trying to connect all the dots.

It's giving him an even greater migraine.

"Okay, listen, I still don't remember much," he responds with a small hiss, rubbing at his temples, "but I had this crazy dream that I had after I blacked out. I really didn't mean to leave Jungkook hanging."

The line was silent for a while, as Yoongi could only hear small ruffling. He was probably getting ready for work, he thought. He could hear the cologne being sprayed, and a small sigh that escaped the caller's lips afterwards. "You're quite lucky that he's a humble guy. He never even got angry at the fact that you left him like that. However, I would still say that you apologize to him. Take him out again or something!"

At this well-known suggestion, Yoongi groans a little. "You know that I'm only doing this as a one time thing, Hoseok. Plus, even if I did ask, it's most likely that he would decline. After I've rudely ended the date, I don't think he'd want a second date again—"

"This is why you apologize, Yoongi. And what's a way of apologizing? Meeting up with him. I have to go, but please. Try to make it up to him. Try and search for him in the restaurant. I'm sure he's bound to appear somehow."

            HE SEES JUNGKOOK THE TIME HE'S AT WORK, but he's having dinner, and it's with a certain somebody. Yoongi was currently jotting down prices, debating whether to raise the price of the drinks because more people kept on coming.

He was dressed simply that day. He had his apron on, alongside his red striped long sleeved shirt topped over with a simple white one. It was becoming quite chilly, since the December breeze was coming, but little did he know that he gaze was becoming colder as well every time he caught Jungkook laughing with that guy.

The guy was unrecognizable; he resembled Taemin quite a lot, but at the same time, Yoongi knew that it wasn't him. He was currently talking, all sparkles in his eyes while Jungkook grins with his adorable bunny grin, a thing Yoongi wished he smiled at him the same way.

Yoongi doesn't notice that he actually crumpled his price list, and only released it when Namjoon takes his apron off, and gives it to one of his co-workers. "I see someone's jealous?" The taller one teases, leaning against the counter and looks at the two.

With a scoff, Yoongi smoothens the crumpled paper. "Fuck off." Is what he says, which apparently means "Yes, I am." in Yoongi language to both Namjoon and Hoseok. It was a small thing the two have gotten to use over the years of being friends with Yoongi, that it even pisses him off when the two know what he's trying to say.

Namjoon smiles a little, but not enough for his dimples to define. He sits right at the stool, looking over to the blabbering men at the end. "He is quite handsome." He hums, and he hears a groan that escaped the older's lips and some frantic scribbling down the papers.

"I don't understand, Joon. I'm too old and busy to be feeling this shit. Can't a man ask for a break once in a while?" Yoongi sighed, massaging the rising sleep on his eyes and cracked his neck both left and right. Namjoon, on the other hand, hummed at the response. "You have only met, and that ended up as a fail. Your attempt at a second date has now been foiled. Maybe now just isn't the time."

Yoongi bites the inside of his cheek as he stares at the two. They seemed contented and happy with each other's companionship, unlike theirs. A small boiling envy rises from his stomach, while he quickly grabbed for the pencil and began frantically jotting something down.

Namjoon watched as his boss and friend ushered one of the newbie waiters to the counter, mouthing instructions while pointing towards Jungkook's table. It takes a few nods and questions before he sees the small, sinister look on Yoongi's face.

"What have you done?" Namjoon raises a brow. "Watch and learn, Joon." Yoongi replies, sitting right back on his stool with his arms crossed.

The awaited bill arrives in their table, and the man cheerfully fishes for his wallet before looking at the receipt. His eyes skim through the price, and his smile dropped instantly, and his eyebrows furrowed instead. He knew his wallet didn't have much money in there, and what he also knew is that the price didn't reach his expected money.

"A-Ah..." The man chuckles, slightly taken aback by the price. Jungkook raises an eyebrow, his body leaned across the chair and his arms crossed. "Is something wrong, Yugeyom?"

"Oh, his name's Yugeyom." Namjoon whispers, slurring the name in to make Yoongi scoff in amusement before turning back to the scene.

"W-Well, I didn't expect the price to be...higher than before?" The man called Yugeyom shaked his head, and fished out a couple of bills and coins, and a lack of something else. "Do you want me to contribute? You seem like you're lacking some money there, Yugs."

"No, it's fine! I can just withdraw again in the nearest ATM. Besides, I insisted we payed for this dinner." Yugeyom declines his offer quickly, pushing the cash on Jungkook's hands.

"I'm convinced." Jungkook says sarcastically, eyeing Yugeyom first before placing the extra bills on top on the receipt with a small smile. "Let me help. You've helped me though this, now let me return the favor."

The small scenario passes by quickly, and the moment Yoongi receives the bill, he sought Yugeyom as he went out, face flushed with embarrassment as he tucked his scarf closer to his mouth.

Jungkook, however, stayed. He looked over to the falling snow, face written in exhaustion and sleep. Was this face the look that Yoongi's been aiming for? Namjoon thought, looking over to Yoongi who began arranging the cash with a triumphant smirk on his features.

"You sly creature." Namjoon scoffed, shaking his head in sheer amusement as he pats Yoongi's back. The older just shrugs, smirk still in place as he stifled a small yawn. "I'm going to take a short rest. All this jealousy is making me sleepy. Cover me up for a while, alright?"

With a small nod, Namjoon leaves Yoongi sitting atop the stool. He shut his records and shoved his calculator elsewhere before he placed his head on his arms, falling into a deep sleep where not even he can feel time past by and a hand that traces his features down like art.

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