My Voice

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      The next day:
    My older sister Mila was always the one I told everything to. Should I tell her this thoe? Fear rushed through me. So many things went through my mind. What if she tells mom? What if I get in trouble? She is gunna be so mad at me? Scared as hell the words left me mouth "Mila can I talk to you."
   "Sure what's up" Mila spoke and I heard her but a part of me pushed her voice out of my head. "Don't tell mom ok, so Daniel he touched me in a no no spot." As I spoke her face grew with worry and concern. She said so many questions. Little did I know he hurt her too. The next day I told my mom. He went to jail for a while. Not only was I doing it for my but for my sisters and his too and any girl he could have hurt after that.

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