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  1.2.3 clear
1.2.3 clear
  I was breathing. Somebody forced me back to life. They made me feel all the hurt again. All I wanted was to be free but now I'm back into this hell of a life.

2 weeks later:
   I am being released from the hospital today. They have me on a ton of medicine. None of which numbed me. They say that it is always good to get a second chance at life but is it really good? Now that everyone knew I was ok they all tried to see me. Including my grandpa. I couldn't tell anyone about him. So they aloud him to see me. I didn't look at him.  I didn't want to see the face that ruined me. I didn't want to see anybody. All I wanted to do is lay in bed. All I wanted was to no longer be in this life that kept me trapped.
  It was time to go back to school. The one place I pretended to be happy. A little part of me really was happy. School was like a tiny escape of real life. The homework kept my mind off of things. Not only just the homework but my bestfriend. She doesn't know and she never will. Why is it I can't tell people my story? Yet now I am. I tell people my story now but for four years I kept it a secret.
  My home. The place I was happy at. The place I felt safe was gone. I was forced to move five states away. My home was not a house. My home was not a place. My home was a person that I would no longer have. Everything that kept me happy. Everything that made me, me was no longer with me. I now live in florida "the sunshine state."
    If I could go back in time. If I could just do things differently. I would have told. I would have stood up for myself. There is no such thing as a time machine. "Even if there was you wouldn't have done anything. Your not strong enough. Your weak and he is strong" my inside voice was back. Telling me how worthless I was. How nobody wanted me. She would tell me I was nothing in life and nobody wants me here. "Shut up. Can't you go away" I screamed. I realised nobody else heard this voice. I looked insane. Screaming at somebody that wasn't there. It didn't matter that I was screaming at somebody that wasn't there. It didn't matter that I was trying to fight back. Everything the voice was saying was true. I am worthless. I am nothing and never will be. Nobody wants me.

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