The Guard Is Stupid

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The Bloody Kingdom is the grossest place Tom has ever seen. The houses were all red and they were all slimy. The people there were even gross; they all have pale face and a wicked smile. When Tom ask them where is the palace they just chuckle and said “Do you have a death wish brother? It’s just north from here. Ha! Ha! Ha!” Tom open the book to see more about this kingdom, it said:
Bloody kingdom – The emperor of this place is The Vampire Prince. The citizen of this place were all human that has been bitten by the prince.
Tom scowl at the book and walk north for five minutes until, he found the palace. Now that he see the castle closely, he see that the castle is worse than the houses. The whole castle is made with maroon and red brick that look like it’s joint together with dried blood. Tom fight all the urge to scream and continued to walk to the castle.

At the entrance there is a vampire guard sitting in the front of the door. Tom want to sneak past the guard but he know he can’t, the vampire must know if anyone is trying to sneak past him. Tom find a banana suit next to him and He got an Idea. He wear the banana suit, pick up a nearby banana, and go to the guard. “Who are you? What do you want? And why are you in a banana suit?” The guard ask. “I come to see the prince and I’m not in a banana suit, I’m a cannibalism banana. See? I’m eating a banana.” “Um…, okay? Go inside, I’ll escort you to the prince.” Tom can’t believe his luck, the guard is so stupid. The guard let him through long hall that is full of blood, animal carcasses and other gross unidentified lumps that Tom think was a human brain. The guard explain that those lumps were fox heart, human liver and lion’s claws.

The guard let him to lot more chamber (that I may write in another book because, there’s so much, but I’ll tell the important one.) such as:
Collection Room- Where the prince kept his collection such as Jason’s machete, brains of a zombie and a metal nail of Freddy Crooker.
Dining Hall- Place where the prince eat human flesh steak, bloody pie, bloody coke and raw carcasses suki.
Dungeon- Where the prince kept his livestock of pig and this is also where he kept his servant/slave and visitor.
After the long tour Tom finally go to the Throne room where the prince live.

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