Grim The Dog And Tom The Human

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"So what do we do now?" Tom asked. "Now, we burst out, kill the shopkeeper, go to a restaurant take a picture of some idiotic killer clown eating, kill everyone in the restaurant and get out by killing the guard. Like this plan?" Grim said grimly (Get it? GRIM and GRIMLY). "That's so crazy! I don't like it, I love this plan!" Tom said.

"Then you need to dress up. I'll paint you like a clown then, I'll fuse with the machete that you stole from Jason Voorhees." Grim said. "OK." Grim said something like "Augh a pat chai yam of a hay hay tam ta lo gap koi ha tong um a puck chai yang um a hay hay to ca la pat cha in a kea loo ma."

Then, Grim and the machete fuse into a big sword that have a black leather grip, a pommel with a big emerald dragonhead on it, a curved diamond cross-guard with a ruby in the middle, brown leather rain-guard with runes on it, lapis fuller, moonstone edge (that look like it can cut the heck out of you) and a point that Grim said was radioactive. "When you don't need me I'll change to a human and when you need me I'll transform back." Grim the sword said then transform into killer clown with red hair, white eyes, a horrible smile and a red and white clown outfit. Tom's jaw open like an idiot. Grim saw Tom is surprised so Grim said "This is not permanent I'll use this feature until we can get out of this horrible circus." Grim snapped his fingers then, Tom transform into a killer clown with green hair, purple eyes and white clown outfit. Before Tom could say anything, the door creak and a killer clown with an apron come and unlock Tom's cage to sell Tom to a hungry customer. Tom bolt out, Grim turn into a sword and tried to stab the killer clown. The clown dodge and Grim come back to Tom's hand. The clown punch Tom in the gut. Tom writher in pain and blood shot everywhere. The clown said "Don't try to fight unless you..." Tom throw Grim into the clown heart, the eyeballs shot out of the socket and fall into a grinder, the heart explode and the shop collapse. "Oops, sorry did that hurt? Oh, I forgot you're already DEAD." Tom said sarcastically and spit at the body. Grim transform back to the creepy killer clown and they walk to a restaurant no knowing what will come next.

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