Awake, Arise, Or Be Forever Fallen

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Alec asked for a little meeting to discuss the Mortal Mirror. There's nothing much to discussed, we got it, Stark and Jonathan will stop at nothing to get their hands on it. We were just waiting for Izzy to come, so we could start.

"Sorry, I'm late," Izzy started. "I've been looking everywhere for Max. Has anyone seen him?"

I shook my head. "Have you tried the armory? He could sharpening his blades for his first assignment." Max was adorable, getting excited for the assignment.

"I checked."

"He could he fixing his hair to impress Sam again," Jace joked which caused me to slap his arm.

Thank god, Alec brought us back on topic. "We have more pressing matters. Thanks to Dot's help, we now have the Mortal Mirror." And thanks to Dot, we now know that Stark's wings are impervious to magic. And if Stark's ever decided to transform again, we could be in big trouble.

"And you have it at the Institute, and it's well-guarded, I presume?" Sebastian asked.

"The only people who know its location are the Elite Guards," I said before I crossed my arms. "At least one of our problems is solved." Alec placed his hand on my shoulder in a comforting manner.

"It's safest that way," He added.

"Jonathan went after Elliot and Dot to get the mirror," Clary pointed out. "Now that he knows we have it, he's going to come back for it.

"Agreed. Report back with any possible scenarios by which Jonathan, Stark, and Valentine could attempt a breach."

Jace nodded at our dismissal. "Ok."

I started walking next to Jace as we made our way out. "Have you gotten any ideas where they might start?"

"I did check one place where Stark might go," Jace said.


He smirked at me. "Your room."

I punched his arm, making him wince. "You suck."

"And apparently you swallow."

I glared at him again before I punched him.


I had the hologram of the Institute opened up on the monitors. There were so many possibilities, so many ways that the three stooges could break in. They could break in through the roof. They could go through the tunnels. Stark could blast their way in if we don't have the right wards up.

I bit my nail as I rotated the screen. "I see someone is taking their assignment seriously," Sebastian said as he stood next to me.

I sighed as I kept rotating the screen. "Well, with a big threat like those three, we have to take extra precautions." I switched the map and opened up Stark's and Valentine's file. My glare hardened when I saw Stark's smiling face looking at me. "Especially when they have a cocky dragon on their side."

Sebastian furrowed his eyebrows as he looked between me and Stark's file. "If you don't mind me asking....what exactly happened between you and Stark?"

"Nothing that's what."

"Are you sure? The short amount of time I've seen him, Stark seemed - what's the word - obsessive."

I turned to face him. "Stark and I had...worked together when I was under the influence. He was this jerk one minute and when we're alone, he shows me his good, kind side." I let out a humorless chuckle. "I actually thought I was falling in love with him. Until I found out that he's the reason why I was so willing to follow Valentine."

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