By the Light of Dawn

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When we went through the Portal, Stark released his grip on me. I didn't waste a second to spin around and sucker punched him. "You son of a bitch!" I yelled.

I made my way over to punch him again, but my body suddenly froze. It took me a second to see that we're standing outside of the Institute. No, no, no. Not now. Valentine stepped in front of me, "I am very disappointed in you, Sara. You betrayed us."

I wanted to laugh. Me? Betray them? If I wasn't frozen in place, I would have punched him too. Stark stood up and rubbed his jaw. "What do you want us to do, sir?"

Valentine sighed, "The only thing we can do." He nodded towards the Circle members and Madzie. I can move again, but that was short lived when they grabbed my arms.

"What are you going to me? Control my mind again!" I spat as I looked between him and Stark.

"I think I've taken over your mind long enough." Suddenly, he grabbed the back of my head. "I want your mind open. I want you to do as I say and feel the guilt when you kill all your Shadowhunter friends." He smiled. "Starting with the Lightwood boy."

I glared up at him. If he thinks I'm going to kill Alec, he's mistaken. "I'm going to kill you!" I looked at Stark, who was looking guilty. "I'm going to kill the both of you!"

Valentine seems unfazed by it, "Until then..." He looked at Madzie. "Ready, Sweetheart?"

Madzie nodded before going inside. I went to go after her, but Stark grabbed a hold of my waist and held me back. "Stop. Don't make things worse for yourself." He whispered.

They waited patiently outside while I'm a nervous wreck. What if Madzie kills Alec and Izzy? Valentine turned to me again, "Sara, I want you to stand by my side. Kill anyone who gets in my way."

"Like I have a choice." I sneered.

He motioned for all of us to go inside. We made it to the elevator and disposed the bodies before going inside. I wanted to wipe the smile on his face. I felt someone looking at me and I see Stark staring at me.

"Sam -" He started.

"Don't talk to me."

The elevator opened and my eyes widen at the dead Shadowhunters on the ground. The only thing that calmed me down was Alec and Izzy's bodies weren't a part of it. Valentine knelt down next to Madzie, "Who's my favorite warlock?"

Where is my favorite warlock when I need him?


I threw another star at one of the Shadowhunters. It sliced his throat before going down. We were making our way to the head office, with Simon in tow. Another Shadowhunter, Stephen, ran around the corner with his blade up. I threw my other star, but he ducked under it.

"Sam, stop!" Simon yelled.

"I can't!" I shouted back as I took my seraph out and ran at Stephen.

He took a swing at my chest, but I jumped back before ramming my sword in him. Mal ran this time and I threw my star at him. I got up and we proceeded. We went inside the office and I threw another star at the Shadowhunter here.

Valentine smiled before tying Simon to the chair. He told me to watch the vampire and if he tries anything to escape, then kill him. He went outside.

"Sam, come on, we have to get out of here. We can't let Valentine activate the Soul-Sword." Simon pleaded.

"I know, but I can't do anything about it." I glanced down at the necklace and sneered. "It's this stupid necklace."

"Break free from it."

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