Beside Still Water

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After Jace got cleared up in the infirmary, he made me get checked up. He wanted to know if that potion Stark forced down my throat had any side affects. After three hours, the doctors told me I was in the clear.

I was trying to get that disgusting flavor out of my mouth. I heard someone knocking on my door. I spat out my third cup of mouthwash before I told the person to come in.

Izzy entered and laughed at me. "Trying to sanitize your mouth again?" She asked.

I faked gagged. "It was like drinking a gallon of metallic tar."

Izzy stroll over and sat down in one of my chairs. "How are you feeling, by the way?"

"Like I need to boil my mouth and bleach it."

"No, Sam. How are you feeling? Do you still feel know you?"

"Izzy, I feel perfectly fine. Alec got a few guys to do research on Stark's potion and...I haven't drank the whole thing for me to be a dragon."

She gave me a worried look. "But you still drank some of it. A potion that powerful isn't going to just cancel out just because you didn't the whole thing."

I sighed. "Izzy, I'm fine. I feel like I'm 100% myself." I grabbed hugged her. "I know you're scared after everything that happened, but I promise you I'm ok. Come on, we're parabatai. You would know if something is wrong with me."

"I know."

I pulled away. "And if it makes you feel any better, you'll be the first person to know if anything happens, ok?"

She nodded. "Ok." She gave me a smile. "On another note, we need to go shopping."

I chuckled with her as I have her a confused look. "Shopping? What's the special occasion?"

"Nothing," She said rather quickly. "It's just...we haven't gone out and done anything like we use to. We need to have a girls day."

"What about Clary?"

"I already asked her and she's more than happy to come with us."

I nodded. "Sure. I could use a few more dresses."

Izzy smiled. "Great! I'll talk to Clary and we'll let you know."


Izzy kept grinning at me before she pulled me into a bone crushing hug. I grunted for a bit before I hugged back. Izzy held the hug for a but longer than necessary. "Izzy, choking not breathing."

She pulled away. "Sorry."


Thanks to Magnus and his warlocks, there are wards around New York. Alec pulled up the monitor of New York and began looking everywhere for Valentine's location. Clary and Jace went to see if they could track him, but it didn't work.

"Valentine must still be in the city," I said.

Izzy sighed. "Thank the angel for Magnus and the warlocks."

"They didn't raise the wards for us," Alec pointed out. I reached out and grabbed his hand. Magnus not speaking to us is really hurting Alec. I know he regrets not telling Magnus about the Soul-Sword, but we can't take it back now.

 "Teams are out doing block by block sweeps throughout the city. We'll find him."

Izzy, Alec, and I went towards one corner of the table. I looked up to see Alec giving me a look.

"Why are you staring at me?" I asked.

Alec shook his head. "Sorry, I was just seeing how you were doing?"

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