Chapter three-Stalemate

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When Elsa's ship rendezvoused with the Admiral's, Naismith and everyone he had brought along transferred to the larger ship to return to Arendelle.

He explained to Elsa who the blindfolded man was and became alarmed when a patch of ice appeared on the deck around them. "Your Majesty, we need to hear what this man has to say. I know this is difficult for you, but he has given his parole..."

She shook herself, waved her hand and removed the ice. "I understand, Admiral. Forgive my momentary loss of composure." Her fear had spiked when faced with the man who had kidnapped Anna.

The Admiral nodded and said, "I think we should meet with him in the Captain's cabin, only the three of us. You, me and Captain Gunnarsson. The man has given his parole, but I don't trust him alone with you."

"I agree. Let's get this over with," Elsa went into the cabin with Eric, settled herself in a chair, clasped her hands in her lap and waited for the Admiral to bring the Weselton man to her. Eric stood at her right hand, ready to defend her if necessary even though he didn't display any weapons.

When the Weselton man entered, the Admiral said to him, "You may remove the blindfold now."

He was tall and dark-haired, with quick brown eyes that took in the cabin, then settled on Elsa. An ironic bow as he said, "Your Majesty, how good of you to meet with me."

"You'll excuse me if I don't consider this a social occasion, I'm sure," Elsa's voice was under tight control. "What have you to say to me?"

"Direct and to the point. Good, this won't take long then," he replied. "The Duke of Weselton has sent me and my men to extract what he considers fair payback for the insult given him at your coronation..."

Naismith interrupted him gruffly, "He had his men try to kill her! He's lucky we didn't execute him and those two thugs for attempting to murder our Queen instead of sending him home."

"Ah, but there are always two sides to a story, Admiral," smirked the Commander. "The Duke feels that he was justified in protecting Arendelle from a sorceress that was killing the entire realm with her magic."

Elsa flinched. Three months wasn't long enough for her to be completely reconciled to what she had done, no matter how hard she was working at making up for it. Deep inside of her a tiny voice agreed with the Weselton man. She stifled that internal voice and said, "So, what exactly does this payback consist of?"

"In three days, the Duke wants our ships loaded with tribute. He sent a list along, you both received copies," he glanced at the Admiral and Elsa. "Once the ships are loaded, you and the Princess come with us back to Weselton."

"Why would I do that?" Elsa was almost snarling with indignation at the demands. The list of tribute the Duke had sent along would impoverish Arendelle. This late in the season, starvation for a part of the population would be a real risk.

"If you don't, we kill our 'guest'," sneered the Commander.

She was beginning to get angry; she realized the anger was her fear in disguise. Just the bare statement that he would kill Anna caused her heart to pound. The thought of Anna helpless in this man's control was sickening.

Elsa glared at him. "Be careful, Commander. My sister is precious to me, but you can only kill her once, at which time her value diminishes to zero. I know that you wouldn't do that unless it were a last resort."

"What makes you think that, Your Majesty?" Eric wondered if there was a small crack in the man's swagger?

"Because once she is dead, there is absolutely nothing that prevents me from killing every last one of you." Elsa's voice was a flat monotone, her face a stony mask. Eric shuddered. Her lack of expression was far more frightening than any explicit show of emotion. He hoped the Weselton man understood what Elsa was capable of doing if something happened to Anna.

Arendell under attack ( I didn't write this I found it on tumblr) completesWhere stories live. Discover now