Chapter four-Snowlems and Crown Secrets, Oh My!

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The Commander of the Weselton force strode briskly up the gangplank of his ship. He was met on the deck by his second-in-command who had been left in charge while the Commander had gone off to negotiate with the Queen.

"Well? How'd it go?" asked the man.

"I need a drink. Let's go have one and I'll tell you the good news. First, get about half the men turned out with full weapons kit and formed up on the quay. In two hours, we take over the castle."

Startled, his lieutenant said, "A hundred men can't take over that castle!"

The Commander laughed. "They can when they have a writ signed by the Witch Queen herself ordering her men to surrender it to us! Go do it, then join me in my cabin."

"Uh, we can't meet there."

"What? Why not?"

"That's where I put the Princess. She was driving me nuts with her babbling. It's the only place on this ship where she'd be comfortable, and you said we needed to coddle her until we knew if we'd have to kill her or not."

The Commander groaned. "Okay. I'll have a couple of the men take her for a walk on the quarterdeck while you and I talk. Get the men formed up and join me as quick as you can." He Looked around the deck and gestured for two men leaning against the rail to join him.

When he got to his cabin, Anna was leaning out the stern window, watching the activity in the harbor and wishing she could swim. Not that she would get very far if she attempted to escape that way.

"Well, Your Highness, it seems your sister can be sensible when she needs to be," he said as he slammed the door open. Anna jumped at the sudden noise and whirled to face him.

"What do you mean?"

"You're so important to her that not only did she agree to our terms, she gave me control of the castle. And she will be surrendering herself to me tomorrow morning," his contempt was clear in his voice.

"No, she wouldn't do that, not even for me!" protested Anna.

"You're too modest, my dear. It seems she has more regard for her sister than you thought; I assure you every word I just told you is the absolute truth. Rejoice! You get to sleep in your own bed tonight. For now, these two men will guard you up on the quarterdeck, I need this cabin before we go take over the castle." He bowed toward her with a mocking smile, and Anna grabbed her cloak and marched out of the cabin, glowering at him as she left.

The Commander walked over to his liquor cabinet, took out a bottle and two glasses, poured two fingers of whiskey into one of them and drained it in one gulp.

His lieutenant came back just then and chuckled, "That kind of day, huh?"

The Commander refilled his glass and poured one for the other man. Holding his own glass high, he said, "Here's a toast to the little weasel. I never thought we'd pull this off, but it looks like we did. Skal!" and he emptied his glass again.

Sipping at his own on the theory that ONE of them needed to remain sober until they got back to Weselton, the lieutenant said, "How'd you pull this one out of your ... hat?"

The Commander sat in his desk chair, crossed his ankles and leaned back. "She's as squeamish as the old man said she was. Her Admiral had the right of it; she should have hung the Duke and his two goons when they tried to kill her. Women! Soft-hearted and soft-headed. This kingdom needs a strong man to rule it."

"Maybe he'll give it to you, along with the Princess after he burns the Queen. We both know he intends to make this part of the new GRAND Duchy of Weselton. He'll need someone to run it for him."

Arendell under attack ( I didn't write this I found it on tumblr) completesWhere stories live. Discover now