Chapter two-Of Hostages and Panic Attacks

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She's WHAT?" Kristoff demanded.

He was in the Throne room with Kai and Admiral Naismith. The Admiral had come to the castle immediately to meet with the Royal Council and review the message that had been delivered from the Weselton forces.

"Being held hostage, Master Bjorgman. I'm sorry," the Admiral apologized. He seethed internally at the situation that he found himself in. His hands were tied while Anna was in danger. He had immediately dispatched a fast sloop to inform Elsa of what was going on, and he himself would be sailing in a short while to meet her and discuss what their options were. He was afraid there weren't any good ones.

"What are you going to do about it?" Kristoff almost shouted. He was berating himself for being late.

"Nothing," replied Naismith. "Nothing until I can meet with the Queen and discuss with her what she wants to do about this situation."

Kristoff fumed, but he knew the Admiral was right. Elsa was the Queen, AND she was Anna's sister. They couldn't do anything to put Anna at risk until Elsa was back and part of the planning.

"I'm going with you." Kristoff's determined expression dared the Admiral to say no.

"Very well. We need to go immediately. We will be departing from the castle gate facing away from the town in a small sloop. I don't want it to be obvious to the Weselton force that I am leaving," Naismith said.

He turned to Kai, "Colonel Nordholm is in command of the forces here in my absence. He has strict orders to make no hostile move toward the Weselton ships. He is also going to brief the Royal Council in my absence. They should be arriving shortly for the meeting."

"What about Queen Elsa? Will you be returning here with her?" Kai asked the Admiral.

"Not immediately. We will meet her ship at sea, then put a small party ashore a short distance up the coast. We'll join up with a troop of Marines in the forest on the other side of the hills. I don't want Her Majesty to come anywhere near this town until we have a better understanding of what the Weselton commander is willing to negotiate. Colonel Nordholm knows where the rendezvous point in the forest is, and will be sending messengers to us with any updates."

Kai nodded his understanding. A footman came into the throne room and addressed Admiral Naismith. "Sir! There is a group of Weselton men at the courtyard gate demanding to speak to you. They offer their parole, but say that they must speak to you immediately."

"Very well. I will meet with them at the castle gates. Have the guards take their weapons, but tell them not to threaten those thugs in any way."

Kai, the Admiral and Kristoff followed the footman back to the portico in front of the doors of the castle. The three of them waited while the footman hurried across the courtyard to bring the Weselton men inside.

It surprised Naismith to see that the little party included the commander of the attacking force. "What are we discussing, sir?" he growled.

The Weselton commander was insolent as he smiled at the Admiral's obvious distaste. "The terms of your surrender, Admiral. Nothing more, nothing less."

"I cannot discuss terms without instructions from the Queen," Naismith huffed.

A sneer from the commander, "I realize that, Admiral. That's why I insist you take me to meet with the Queen."

"You can't be serious," replied the Admiral.

"I am deadly serious. I trust you with my life as long as my men hold the Princess Anna. I am authorized by the Duke to negotiate with your Queen. So take me to her. I am unarmed, and I give you my parole that I will attempt nothing untoward when I meet with her."

Arendell under attack ( I didn't write this I found it on tumblr) completesWhere stories live. Discover now