Chapter nine-The crash of guns, the rattle of muskets

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Elsa tossed and turned on her pallet, then finally gave up any hope of sleep and sat up. She was bone-weary after three days of little sleep; sleep that was restless and troubled at best. She wasn't sure how effective her magic would be when she needed it, as drained as she was. If she had enough to defend herself until she could get outside and signal the Admiral, it would be sufficient for her needs.

She had known when Anna had come to see her last night that it was the last time she would see her before her sister would attempt her escape before dawn this morning. If she succeeded, Elsa was free to unleash her magic on the Weselton men and escape herself. But Elsa had no idea if Anna had succeeded or not. There had been no furor that would indicate Anna had been missed, and as far as she knew the two guards were still outside her cell door as usual.

She cocked her head and listened intently. She assumed that when they found that Anna was gone, or worse, caught her in the attempt, they would come and try to kill her. Her every sense was heightened as she tried to interpret the tiniest sound in the corridors. If she knew for sure Anna was safe, she would strike out at her guards and free herself. But she dared not risk Anna. If that meant sacrificing herself, so be it. She would defend herself, but not attack, not until she knew Anna was safe.

She heard footsteps and muffled voices, then what sounded like a scuffle. She jumped to her feet and backed away from the door, prepared to face her captors. The key turned in the lock and the door opened; a man dressed as a footman looked in. He was wearing a green shako on his head and carried a rifle. "Your Majesty, are you all right?" he asked with concern. "I'm one of your Queen's Own. Admiral Naismith had us remain behind in disguise. The shakos are the only spare pieces of uniform we had left!"

Elsa slumped against the wall in relief. "Yes, Guardsman, I'm fine. Has my sister escaped?" Her voice was shaky with tension.

"Yes, Your Majesty. And now we need to get the hell out of here before the Weasel Commander realizes it and sends more men down here to kill you!"

He held out his hand to her and she took it gratefully. She was wobbly on her feet from fatigue, fear, and just plain worry about Anna. Elsa leaned on him as the two 'footmen' led her down the corridor toward the rest of the castle. His partner was a little ahead at an intersection with another hallway. He checked carefully around the corner, then waved them on and they ran toward a doorway.

"We're going to take you down to where we had our weapons hidden, Your Majesty. You'll be safe there. The goons can't search this entire castle with the few men they have, and once they realize you're gone, they'll try to get back to their ships before anyone can stop them," the Guardsman explained to Elsa.

She shook her head. "No, we need to get somewhere outside, so I can signal the Admiral that it is time to attack. Then you can take me to safety." She looked around to orient herself, then said, "This way. It leads to a side door that comes out by the church."

The three of them ran down the hall until they came to another door. It was locked and barricaded. "Damn it!" exclaimed the Guardsman. "They must have every door except the main one to the courtyard locked and blocked off."

Elsa's hands were shaking again, and she was leaving an icy trail of footprints. Her control of her magic was deteriorating. "We need to get outside! What time is it?"

Her Guardsman said, "A few minutes past dawn, Your Majesty. They were going to wake up your sister to pack for the trip to Weselton when they found her room empty. We came down here immediately to free you and take you to safety."

Elsa nodded. That meant it was light outside, they would be seen when they exited the castle. "I must signal the Admiral. We'll have to risk going outside by way of the main door," Elsa decided. "This way, we'll take the servants' hallways around to the front of the castle."

Arendell under attack ( I didn't write this I found it on tumblr) completesWhere stories live. Discover now