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• Jimin POV 

" So what exactly do you remember ? " Jungkook asked, I sit there pondering, a couple of minutes go by before I say anything.

" I.. I remember him slamming me against the door once we found a room and hem sloppily kissing my neck... Then him shoving his dick into my mouth, pulling my hair pretty hard forcing me to suck it and I was too weak to push away... Then he put my belt around my head like a gag... He tied my hands to the headboard and he dug his nails really hard into my hips It felt like I was bleeding then h- " Jungkook interrupted me " Can I see your body ? If you're not comfortable showing me then don't okay ? " He said kindly

" No. It's okay.. I'm kinda curious myself.. Yoongi can stay though, I've been friends with him long enough. So everything is okay. " I say while standing up I take my shirt off slowly then I undo my belt and pull my pants down examining my own body.

I have scratches on my thighs, hickeys and bruises on my chest, and my hips are bruised and cut up pretty bad. " I'm going to fucking kill him.. " Jungkook growls " Jungkook it's fine, I-I'll heal soon... " I say softly cupping his cheek. " Plus you already beat him up pretty good " Yoongi says which surprises me. " Wait, you already beat him up ? " I ask sounding as shocked as I feel.

Jungkook and Yoongi both nod in unison " yeah.. I lost my cool !! What would you do if you saw someone naked, over top of me while I was drunk ? " He says I nod, showing him I understand he approaches me with trembling hands touching my body so gently it sends chills down my spine. " How could... " He stops and begins to break down crying " God damnit ! " He walks off and I hear something crash to the ground as he storms around in anger " Jimin, I care about you so much, it kills me to see you so hurt and vulnerable.. I don't know what to do ! " Jungkook exclaims with tears running down his face, he falls to his knees crying in his hands. " This is all my fault, you're hurt because of me.. I .. " he whispers to himself having a full on mental breakdown.

I walk towards him and crouch down to meet his eyes, " In no way was this your fault Jungkoo- " He interrupts me " Jimin.. If I wouldn't have walked off none of this would've happened, if I was with you none of this would've happened, if I didn't ... I'm so so sorry.. " He says before bursting into tears, sobbing silently into his arms. I grab his face and kiss him gently, but he doesn't kiss me back.. " Please don't cry.. " I say softly 

He then stands up and walks out of the house " I'm sorry " I hear him say before closing the door.

Yoongi and I both look at each other in utter confusion, then he approaches me " He'll be okay.. Don't worry Jiminie. " Yoongi says pulling me into his warm embrace, I hug him back tightly and begin to cry. " I hope so.. "

He comforts me until I'm done crying like a little bitch then we sit back down on the couch. " Hey Yoongi ? Can I ask you something ? " I say softly. " Anything, you know that " He says which makes me smile " What's your and Taehyung's past like ? " I asked carefully " Because honestly, I didn't even know you two were together.. " I say.

He nods then states " I know, I should've told you but I didn't want you to worry.. "

" Why would I worry about you having a boyfriend Yoongi ? " I ask intently " Because.. H-he wasn't exactly the best to me... " He says, putting his head down, I  can see he's beginning to get anxious. " Yoongi you dont have to te- " he interrupts me " No. No. It's okay. You need to know anyways, SOMEONE needs to help me.. Especialy after this.. With you. I can't have anyone else end up being hurt again.. " Yoongi puts his head in his hands and stays silent for a bit.

I move to sit next to him putting my hand on his back, " Minnie, it's really okay if you don't want to tell me, you can stay here until you're ready to go home, or whenever you decide to tell me " I say, rubbing his back slowly. " Jimin.. I-.. my home is with Taehyung.. But i can't stand to even look at him right now " he says while crying. " I understand.. I think you should get some rest, you've had a long day.. " I suggest while standing up, I open my arms and he hugs me " Thank you for always being there for me... " He mutters in the crook of my neck. " Of course, Hyung.. Now let's get you ready for bed " I say, flashing him a smile.

He nods then I lead him to the spare room upstairs " If you need anything just call, Okay ? I'm right down the hall. " I say and he nods, reassuring me " Goodnight Yoongi, try not to be so hard on yourself.. " I softly say before closing his door.

I pull my phone out to see if Jungkook texted or called, but of course.. Nothing.. It's midnight I hope he comes home soon..

I go to lay in my bed with a sigh soon falling asleep for a few hours before being woken up by screams 

" NO ! STOP ! Please... You're hurting me " The scream continues 

" AHh !! Please Taehyung !! Stop !! " I run into Yoongi's room hastily opening the door to reveal Yoongi drenched in sweat and tears, flinching once and a while " Stop " I try to wake him up. " Yoongi. Yoongi ! Please wake up ! It's Jimin, you're okay... You're safe " I say moving his hair away from his face rocking him slowly. He begins to open his eyes slowly, " J-Jimin ? " He questions before pulling me into a tight hug and begins to cry.

I just hold him, rocking him slightly " It's okay Yoongi.. I'm here, you're safe " I whisper softly. " I need to tell you what happened, I really do need  to explain myself... " He barely mutters out. " I need to tell you what he's been doing to me for the past year.. " He says gaining his voice.

I look at him " tell me whenever you're ready. I need to know you're okay " I say " I'm not, I haven't been... T-Taehyungie has been... Hitting me a lot when he gets angry. He takes advantage of me anytime he wants sex, whether I want it or not, He gets it... " He cries out, I can't tell if he's angry or sad at this point.. " W-what do you mean ? " I say, my blood beginning to boil, but I'm frozen. " He was really abusive to me.. Physically.. Emotionally.. Verbally.. " He says without looking at me, his fists clenched so tight his knuckles are whiter than his already pale skin.

" He's dead... " I growl " Why didn't you tell me ?! Why didn't you run away ?! " I shout, completely losing my cool. " I-I'm sorry... " He says lowly and flinches when I shout. " He told me thatif I told anyone or decided to leave he'd hurt the ones I loved most... I couldn't live knowing he'd hurt my family or you.. Even though... " He says softly and sounds so defeated.

" Yoongi don't think what happened to me was your fault " I say beginnning to calm down so I don't scare him anymore " I-...I'm really sorry..." Yoongi says and begins to cry " I'm sorry he took advantage of you.. I should've went after him.. I'm sorry he- " I cut him off grabbing his hands " Yoongi... It's not your fault.. Seriously don't beat yourself up.. I was ridiculously drunk " I say.

" I know, but I saw him lead you out of the crowd... I should've known better.. " He grabs my hand hard and looks at me with bloodshot eyes and tearstained cheeks. " Park Jimin. Trust me when I say I'm so sorry for everything that happened... Taehyung says he loves you. He's been obsessed with you. " He says

 " W-What ? " 

Jungkook POV • 

I don't know why I left I just know I couldn't stomach seeing Jimin like that unless I know I did it, but my best fucking friend took advantage of my Jimin  then claims he loves him. If he loved Jimin don't you think he'd not make fun of me for liking  " Nerd " like him. 

Maybe I should talk to Tae.. No, no... I can't not right now, I'll rip his head off. So instead, I pull out my phone to text Jimin.

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I put my phone back into my pocket not waiting for a reply. Heading to this abandoned building nearby, and I don't even give a shit if I get arrested at this point.. 

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