"The Art of Love"

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She looks at Ed and Ed looked at her. His eyes scan her face to try find some hint or sign of, well anything positive. He began to worry. He started sweating and mentally screaming at himself.

'You idiot what made you think she loved you back what the hell are you thinking?!' Maybe this wasn't a good idea.

"You are so cute, did you know that?" Winry said with a smile.

Edward was relieved and confused at the same time. He pulled away and straighten himself up. "Uh well yeah of course I did, ah wait no, no I didn't" Edward stuttered and blushed bright red.

Winry laughed at Edward and stood up. "Oh Ed I think I've smash you over the head with my wrench too many times" she smiles and holds her hand out to him.

He smiled and took her hand, letting Winry pull him up to his feet.

They walked together towards the house in silence. The sky began to darken and the first couple of stars began to shine through the clouds. Edward was still confused and worried about Winrys reaction. Dose she love him back? She didn't say it back so it must mean the answer is no. Which Is what he guessed. He sighed a little and looked down at his feet.

"Ed wait!" Winry calls and takes his hand. She spins Ed around and places her hand on his face and looks into his eyes. Edwards heart starts racing and He blushed again.

"I love you too Edward" she whispers and then..... she placed her lips on Edwards and kissed him.

Ed was shocked at first, but then he just lost himself in the moment. He never imagined kissing Winry would be so breathtaking. She was warm and tasted so sweet. But as soon as it started it finished and Edward was left looking stunned.

Winry smiled and ran back home, Leaving him standing there, shocked and confused. Yet also happy as hell! He jumped up and down and yelled and just went crazy. He was so happy he couldn't believe it!

"Edward! dinners ready, get home!" Granny Pinako yelled from the porch.

Edward turned around and ran back to the house. Biggest smile on his face and love filling his heart.

Edward sat at the dinner table, Winry sitting across, smiling at him, And pinako and Al siting at each end, looking at the two love birds and trying to work out what on earth had happened. Ed just smiled and twirled his pasta with his fork.

"So where did you two go off to before dinner?" Al asked Edward and Winry with a smug look on his face as if he already knew the answer.

Ed glared at him and looked over to Winry who was blushing, looking down at her food. Ed didn't want her to be uncomfortable so he simply lied

"We were checking the water levels down at the river Al, nothing more and nothing less" He said sternly in his bigger brother voice.

Al just nods his head and smiles. "Sure brother, I believe you" he says in a sarcastic tone.

"Please excuse me." Winry says as she leaves the table, taking her untouched paster with her. Edward frowned and glared at Al who now understands he made Winry uncomfortable, he looks down at his food with a guilty expression on his face.

Edward sighed and gave a nod to Pinako as a sign of thank you for dinner. She just takes another puff of her pipe and nods back. Edward heads towards the stares and walk up to her room. Ed didn't know how to cheer her up, He was terrible with this kind of thing. Ed knock on her door and it slowly opened.

"Winry it's only me" He said as he walked into the dark little room. He found Winry siting at her work desk aggressively screwing screws into an automail part Edward couldn't recognise.

"Sorry about dinner, I felt a little uncomfortable" Winry says, still focused on the reluctant screw.

"Yeah I'm sorry about that, I didn't really know how to reply" Ed said honestly and collapse onto her bed. He looked up at the celling, thoughts racing through his head. 'I have no idea how too be a boyfriend, should I hug her or something? What the hell do I do?!'

"Are you alright Ed? your frowning" Winry asks in a concerned tone, spinning around to face him.

Edward looked at Winry and saw the concern on her face. "Yeah I'm fine, I'm just....." He trailed off

"Your just what?" Winry asks, getting up and moving towards Ed. She sits on the bed next to him.

"You will laugh if I tell you, just never mind" He said stubbornly and rolled onto his side, facing the wall.

Next thing Edward knew, he felt a warm soft hand on his cheek and felt Winry pushing his face towards hers. His heart started racing again as he made contact with her light blue eyes.

"Edward you do trust me don't you?" She askes in a voice that's as sweet as honey. Edward simply nodded his head, too transfixed on her eyes to find the words to answer her.

"Then tell me what's wrong, I'm...I don't really know how to be a girlfriend, I'm not sure what to do. So please tell me" Winry whispers, blushing a little.

Edward looked at Winry, stunned for a while, until a smile crept onto his face. And then he started laughing. And I mean crying laughter. He was hysterical.

Winry glared at him and grabbed her wrench, nocking Edward across the back of the head. "Don't laugh at me I'm being serious!" She yells.

Edward stopped laughing and held the back of his head in pain. "Owe you didn't have to do it so hard, I feel the same way you do that's why I laughed!" Ed yelled back.

Winry looked at him shocked and dropped her wrench. She giggles and apologises. "Oh I'm sorry Ed, I had no idea" she laughs and pulled him into a tight hug. "We will both learn from each other, I won't give up on us" Winry whispered into his ear and hugged him tightly.

Edward smile and hugged her back. "Of course we will, because I love you" He said and kissed her on the cheek.

Winry pulls away slowly and holds his face in her hand. He leant in and touched his lips with hers as she turned it into a kiss. He closed his eyes and melted into the kiss, feeling her warmth and tasting her sweetness. Edward slowly and cautiously slid his tongue in and touched hers, beckoning it to come out and play. Ed felt her tense up a little but she soon relaxed and followed his lead. Edward explored every part of her mouth he could. Wanting to be as close to her as possible. He could feel butterfly's in his stomach and began feeling light headed. So Edward broke the kiss and place his forehead onto Winrys. Trying to catch his breath.

"That was amazing" Winry breathes. He smiled and pulled her towards him, lying on her bed facing each other.

"You are amazing" Edward smiled and twirled her hair with his fingers. At that moment. At that time. Edward had a sudden need to protect her. To save her from danger. And to keep her by his side. Until the day they died. Edward loved Winry with all his fullmetal heart.

"I love you Winry" He whispered to her as she fell asleep next to him.

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