"So keep talking, i love to hear your voice"

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Edward pushed Winry up against her bedroom wall and started kissing below her ear and trailed down her neck.

"Ed your too sexy for your own good" Winry breathed.

Edward smiled against her skin. "Speak for yourself" he smirked and kissed Winrys lips. The kiss started slow and sweet but it soon intensified when Edward nibbled on Winrys bottom lip.

Winry moaned and reached her hand over too Edwards braid and intertwined her fingers in Ed's hair band, slowly pulled it out and letting Ed's golden hair fall gracefully on his shoulders.

Edward did the same, letting Winrys hair fall over her eyes. Edward looked up at Winry and smiled and pushed Winrys hair behind her ears so he could see her face.

"Your face is too beautiful to be hidden" Edward whispered.

Winry smiled and placed her hand on Edwards cheek, leaning forward and locking her lips with Edwards. There Tongues danced together as they held each other close. Edward pulled away and allowed himself to breath.

"Tonight I'm all yours Winry, I'll do anything for you" Edward whispered.

Winry smirked and ran her fingers through his hair. "All I want is you" she whispered back and pulled Edward towards her. They kissed each other passionately and lovingly.

They moved over to Winrys bed where Edward laid Her down carefully. Edward stroked Winrys cheek and kissed her forehead.

"What do you think the baby will be?" Edward asked.

"Huh?" Winry hummed. She was distracted by Edwards touch.

Edward laughed and moved his hand under Winrys shirt, placing his hand on her tummy.

"Do you think it's a girl or a boy?" Edward asked.

Winry thought about the question for a while before answering.

"I think it's a girl" Winry replied.

"Really? A little baby girl" Edward smiled. The very thought of having a baby girl both delighted and terrified him.

"Are you disappointed?" Winry asked with concern.

"Of course not, I'm just..." Edward trailed off

"Your just what?" Winry asked.

Edward sighed and gave Winry a faint smile. "I just want to be the best father I can be. Like Maes Hughes was to Elicia." Edward said, looking sad at the mention of Hughes.

Winry smiled lovingly at Edwards and kissed his forehead. "Edward I promise you'll be the best father in the world, trust me" Winry said.

Edward thought about this and smiled. "Ok I'll believe you." He said.

Winry giggled and kissed Ed on the lips, holding him close to her.

And that's when the baby kicked.

The two young lovers looked at each other in shock. It was the first time the baby had moved and Winry was obviously distressed. But of course Edward laughed.

"Don't laugh you stupid idiot what if something's wrong!?" Winry shouted and Edward"

"Baby's kick Winry it's normal, oh you should have seen your face" Edward laughed.

Winry simply laughed and pushed ed off of the bed. "It's not funny Ed" Winry mumbled.

Edward continued to laugh on the floor. "Oh sorry Winry I just couldn't help myself" he breathed.

Winry glared at Edward for a while but eventually his adorableness got the better of her and she started laughing too.

When they calmed down Edward stood up and took Winrys hand in his.

"You know Winry, it's been too long since we did something together" Edward said. "You know a nice candle lit dinner is in order on such a joyous occasion of you being nocked up and such" Edward smiled sweetly.

Winry glared at Ed for a split second until she realised what he had said.

"Wait, did you say dinner? As in like a date?" Winry asked excitedly.

Edward smiled and nodded his head. "That's what I said."

Winry gawked at Ed before jumping up from the bed. "Oh my gosh yayayaya!" Winry squealed as she jumped up and down on the spot. Her excitement was contagious.

Winry ran past Edward and started violently grabbing dresses out from her closet and throwing them into an untidy pile on her bed.

"Oh gosh will this still fit? My baby bumps not that big! Will it match my hair? Omg that colour is terrible" Winry exclaimed as she ran back and forth from her closet to her dresser

Edward sat on the bed and watched in fascination. It delighted him to see his beautifully girl so excited and full of life. It was almost overwhelming for him.

"Well I'll let you get ready baby" Ed said as he left the room but Winry was too busy with her girly things to even hear him.

"I love you so much" Ed whispered under his breath. He stepped out of the room and pulled the door, but before he could close it, Winry spoke.

"Love you too baby" Winry whispered. And then continued to scream over Brocken heels.

Edward smiled warmly and walked down the hallway to his bedroom. With that he collapsed onto his bed and thought to himself.

It did not come too Ed's attention that a tear had traveled down his flushed cheek.

- sorry I've been so slow to update and sorry this chapter is so short. I tried to write a steamy and full on love scene but well it was too much of a challenge in the end. But I promise guys I'll make up for it. I have high hopes for this story. Xx -

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