"Hes been whipped"

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It wasn't hard to say the car trip was long, silent and all round awkward. And Ed's mind was plagued with thoughts of Winry. And how long it would take till he was back home and in her arms. Edward sighed loudly.

"Oh I'm sorry Fullmetal, are we keeping you awake?" Roy said, not looking away from the road ahead.

Edward rolled his eyes and continued to look out the window. And just to make things all the more bleak, it begun to rain.


Finally they had arrived in Central. Edward thought back to the last time they where at Central Headquarters. It felt like years now.

"Okay Elric's, where here" Mustang said, opening the car door and helping Riza out.

Edward hopped out and noticed they were parked out the from of headquarters. He looked at his brother, who looked back.

"Looks like were here" Alphonse said.

"Yea" Edward shrugged.

They all followed after mustang as he lead the boys to his office. Once there, Edward took his usual place on the couch and mustang sat at his remarkably large desk chair. He started looking through his many papers and documents that seemed to clutter his desk, until he pulled out a small note.

"What's that" Edward questioned.

"This Edward, is where we are hoping too find our chimera." Roy stated, opening up the note and reading the contents.

57 bookworm road. Old country house. Find Aubreelle -

"Who's Aubreelle?" Alphonse asked.

"No idea, but from a reliable source this is where innocence is hiding out" Roy said.

Edward stood up and stretched his back.

"Well are we gonna go or sit around here all day?" Edward asked.

"Hold your horses elric, we need to be prepared first" Riza said sternly as she reloaded her pistol.

There was a silence as Roy cleared his throat

"Lieutenant Hawkeye, may I have a word with you please" Roy asked

And if Edward wasn't wrong, he heard a little bit of fear in his voice.

"Yes colonel" Riza said, placing her gun into it's holder.

Roy glared at the elric brothers. "In private" he stated.

"Yea yea I get the hint" Edward said and they walked out of the office. Al closed the door behind them quietly.

"What do you think that's about?" Alphonse asked.

"I dunno, but mustang sounded a little nervous to me" Edward smirked

"Oh hello boys, fancy seeing you here" said a short haired lady from down the hall.

It was non other then second lieutenant Maria Ross.

"Oh hello Maria, what are you doing here?" Alphonse asked.
"Just dropping some things off too sergeant Denny brosh" she said. Maria was holding a large bouquet of roses and a box of little chocolates.

"Oh are they for sergeant brosh are they?" Edward teased.

Maria blushed and cleared her throat. "Uh yea actually, were dating now" she smiled.

"Oh congratulations Maria!" Alphonse exclaimed with excitement.

Maria smiled and thanked them. "So what are you guys doing here?" She asked the boys.

"Where helping the colonel with a case" Edward said.

"Ahh okay, how's Winry?"

Edward blushed and Al started laughing out loud. But Maria didn't have time to be confused. A loud smash from inside the colonels office startled them all.

Then the colonel fell through the door.

"IM COMING WITH YOU WEATHER YOU LIKE IT OR NOT!" Shouted the lieutenant as she stormed down the hall.

The Elric's and Maria looked at Riza in confusion before they noticed a very stunned mustang sitting on his ass in the hallway.

"What did you do?" Edward questioned.

"I um Informed lieutenant Hawkeye that she will not be needed for the remainder of this case due to her um...condition" Roy said slowly.

The boys looked at each other with worried faces. "Yea good luck with that" said Edward.

Roy glared at Ed, giving Maria the signal to escape the awkward situation.

"Well I should probably be going, it was nice to see you all" Maria smiled awkwardly. She headed off down the corridor with speed.

The Elric brothers and Roy watch Maria walk away, confused as all hell. Then Riza came out.

"Don't just sit there like goldfish, let's go!" Lieutenant Hawkeye barked as she grabbed colonel mustang by the collar of his uniform and dragged him down the hall. Fair to say he was whipped.

Ed and Al looked at each other, trying hard not to laugh at the colonels uselessness in the situation.

"Don't make me drag you to Edward!" She called.

The two brothers stopped laughing and ran after the lieutenant.

There task had just begun.

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