RTY - CH 18

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Tzuyu's P.O.V

I carried Sana to my room so I can watch over her and make sure she's safe. Those 3 jerks were unbelievable!

As I placed Sana on my bed I felt her hot breath and her skin was pale, she's sick. I immediately ran to the kitchen and got a small bowl of lukewarm water and a towel.

I gently washed her soft smooth skin. I smiled to myself while looking at Sana who was sleeping like a child. I remembered what I said to her earlier this afternoon.

Good. Then I'll be your first.

I can't believe I said that. It just slipped through my mouth. I mentally slapped myself thinking of how embarrassing that was.

A few minutes passed I got bored staring at her cuz it's kinda getting creepy so I went down and cooked a little night snack.

I went back up again and sat down on my balcony while staring at the beautiful moonlight.

Text Message from...

C: Tzuyu, I heard what happened, you alright?!

T: yah~

C: what about Sana?

T: she's fine don't worry. What about you and Dahyun?

C: well...

T: ??? =_=

C: she answered me!! She said yes!!

I wasn't able to reply immediately because I heard a loud groan from Sana. I turned my head and saw her moving a lot on my bed.

I stood and approached her, she was crying. I leaned closer to her when suddenly she grabbed my collar and pulled me to a kiss but she was still asleep.

I didn't wait any longer so I kissed her back, I felt her arms wrap around my neck while my hands are travelling down to her waist and wrapping my arms around it.

She pulled away and started panting and so did I. Wow that was the longest kiss I ever had. Yet I still can't get over the fact the she was sleeping the whole time.


Just the thought of it is such a buzzkill.

I was about to stand up and walk away when I felt a warm hand grab mine. "Tzuyu, can you stay with me."

She confidently said while she's still half asleep. I rolled my eyes and giggled and sat beside her.

But an idea popped in my head.

I carried Sana to the bed-like sofa on the balcony and we both laid down there. I continued enjoying the moonlight and as for Sana, I have no idea what's going on in that mind of hers.

As she fell deep into sleep, her head landed on my shoulders. She started snoring not that loud nor not that low.

I giggled at her cuteness as I stared at her once again.

"Sana, you're different. I hope you know that different is my type." I smirked at my own words not realizing what I just said. Goddamit it happened again.

"I hope you know too that you're my type." What the-?

"You're awake?!"

She giggled before lifting her head from my shoulder. "The whole time."

"So when you kissed me, you were awake?"

"We kissed?!" I rolled my eyes and stood up cuz I'm trying to ignore her question but she held my hand trying to pull me back. "You didn't answer my question."

She stood up while glaring at me which kinda scared me. I smirked as I made a bold move.

I pecked her lips and let go of her hand, I walked towards the door and winked at her before going out.

Nice job Tzuyu!

Third Person's P.O.V

As the tall Maknae walk out, she suddenly felt an empty hole in her heart. She didn't know why. She walked in the guest room that Sana used to sleep in to avoid any contact from her.

As she went in the room, she noticed the wilted white flower.

I'm sorry I left. I want you to know that I always want to see you happy. You deserve it my Tzuyu. Seeing you in pain because I'm gone hurts me. I wish we will see each other again. If we did in another time, I will never let you go.

I love you so much.

The Maknae felt the need to cry though she was still unsure from who the letter came from, but her heart keeps screaming the same name, Im Nayeon.

"Why are you still haunting me to this day?" Tzuyu asked herself as she sat down on the bed and wrapped her legs with her arms.

"I'm trying to move on but everytime I fail because all I think is about you. Why can't you just give me a chance to love somebody?" She started tearing up after hearing her own words.

'I want to love someone again.'

She cried harder but did her best to lessen the noise so Sana wouldn't hear. Memories of when Mina brought her to Nayeon began flashing in her head.


"Didn't you hear me? I'm taking you to Nayeon." The penguin grabbed the maknae's hand and dragged her out of the room to her car.

She started the engine and sped up until they reached their destination in no time.

"You brought me to the cemetery?." Tzuyu said as she crossed her arms. "There are things you need to know."

The Yoda rolled her eyes at the nonsense her ex-gf said. "What exactly?"

The older smiled at her dongsaeng before holding her hand and brought her to the grave.

"Nayeon made me promise that if she dies, she wants me to take care of you, to love you. I did my best the keep that promise, but day by day I get weaker to the point that I couldn't handle it, I had to let go." Mina said as she was touching her best friend's grave.

"Mianhe Nayeon-ah. But your girlfriend is such a pain in the ass." She chuckled which made Tzuyu giggle and guilty. "I'm sorry. I-i wasn't thinking of your feelings."

"It's fine. At least I get to tell you half of what you actually needed to know." Mina mumbled the last sentence which made Tzuyu suspect.

"Let's go?" Tzuyu felt different, it's like she gained new information, information that was kept from her. She felt betrayed but happy.

They held each other's hands as they walked back to the car.

'Mianhe again, Nayeon. But it's my turn to let go.'

Mina said in her head as she took glances at Tzuyu who is sleeping.

'One day Tzuyu, one day you'll find out.'

E N D - O F - F L A S H B A C K

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