Chapter Eight

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I dragged my feet along the tiles. The long tiles that made up the hallway.

Bailed? Bailed out? How the hell does someone bail out someone that has a third degree in robbery? That's a few thousands to bail someone out like this...

I stood at the corner of the wall that led to the main lobby. Do I really wanna know who bailed me? There's no one that I know would help me. Not even... not even him...

I took a deep breath and rubbed my eyes. Turning the corner and raised my head from the ground. They grew quickly.

"Y-Yoongi?", I jogged over to him when he stood up from the hard plastic chairs against the wall and engulfed him into a tight hug ,"Why would you do this!? I was horrible to you! I even... you know..."

A small smile made its way onto his face when we pulled away from the hug and he grabbed onto my hands and swung his arms a little.

"You weren't horrible to me you know... not as horrible as you thought to yourself you were. You even- I guess you can say you opened my eyes up a bit when you did that to me. In a good way. And I'm thankful for it. I was kind of a turtle in its shell and few friends. You helped me with that. Even though I was", he laughed ,"an ass to you the entire time"

"Hell yeah you were", I laughed with him ,"I suppose I'm happy that I helped you with that Yoongi... but I still don't understand why you helped me. How you helped me to be honest"

He nudged his head to the chairs and a bigger smile replaced the smaller one. "I got one of my friends to help me. I explained and he... sort of understood. He's also here to get a friend ironically but it wasn't as serious as yours I don't think. He didn't tell me". I looked over at the guy and let a small grow on my face. He was.. around 6 foot. Maybe exactly. His skin was fair and he was wearing a button up with jeans and converses. "This is Namjoon"

He looked up at me and smiled ,"hi there"

I waved shyly ,"hey"

I looked back at Yoongi and held his hands a little tighter. Rubbing his knuckles with my thumbs and started to swing my arms instead.

"But Yoongi... I'm still very VERY sorry what I did. I'm putting all of that stuff that I've done in the past. I'm done with it-"

"-Oh shut up"

His hands raised at the speed of light. Next thing I knew he had a hold of my cheek. Cuffing them with a soft touch and pulling my face close. Really close. I felt my face start to warm up. All the noise in the place was drowning out from the moment. I felt the pads of his thumbs rub on my cheeks gently as gently as I rubbed his knuckles.

I smiled and hugged him. Burying my head into his neck. He hugged me back even tighter. Burying his head into my neck as well. I groaned at the tightness and pulled away. Making my smile grow larger when I saw the smile glued onto his face.

"There you are!", Namjoon stood up and walked over to the person which made me turn around and hold onto Yoongis hands ,"What took you so long?"

"Nothing! I was getting my coat and stuff. Impatient much?"

My eyes widened. Wait!? So... I know Yoongi. Namjoon is Yoongis friend. Namjoon is here to pick up someone since he bailed them out to. Hoseok is Namjoons friend?!

Hoseok looked over at me and he smiled. Waving to me and I waved back without thinking or hesitation. A small smile grew on my lips from him.

Small world huh?

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