Chapter Five

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When I woke up this morning, I felt something; well someone, in bed next to me. When I turned I was shocked to see the one and only asshole named Yoongi.

The last thing I remember last night is going to bed. Alone. No one next to me. Solo.

"Yoongi" I shook his shoulder over and over until he finally woke up, but with fire burning in his eyes.


"What're you doing in my bed?" I whispered softly as I pushed the bangs out of my eyes. Like if I would wake someone up if I was too loud.

He blinked a few times and shrugged as he pulled the covers to his shoulders,"It got really cold"

I glanced down at his bare collarbones. His exposed pale skin almost shining from the sun through the window.

"If its cold then why is your shirt off-"

"-your full of questions aren't you-"

"-I am when your in MY bed. Whats wrong with yours?" I shot back quickly as he sat up, bare chest exposed that made my cheeks flush as I sat up as well.

He only shook his head. Throwing the covers that went over my head as I heard him get up from the bed. I yanked the covers off. He was wearing a pair of sweatpants I loaned him a while back.

"Nothings wrong with my bed" he whispered as he left the room. Just leaving me dumbfounded.

It was my turn to throw the covers. Throwing them almost off the bed and going after him. Slipping through the door of his bedroom before he shut it. He jumped in surprise when I suddenly ended up in front of him.

"What the hell are you doing in here?" he asked.

I raised an eyebrow ,"One its my house. Two, what has been up with you lately?"

He crossed his arms. I noticed him tapping his foot on the floor almost in a irritated way.

"I've just been thinking you know-"

"-no I don't" I sighed.

He glared at me interrupting him and I just smirked as he rolled his eyes.

"Thinking about even though you kidnapped me, I feel like its the other way around sometimes" the corner off his lip raised slightly at my flushed cheeks.

He was just making things way too confusing.

"..what do you mean?" I mumbled

He only smiled as he grabbed at his elbows. For some reason I felt slightly uncomfortable. "Y-You know just forget about it", but when I went to leave he slammed his hand onto the door. Right next to my head. I turned and gave him a sharp but nervous glare.

"Let go of the door" I mumbled.

Rolling his eyes, he moved his hand but they quickly went to my shoulders with a tight grip.

"I think you know what I mean"

I shook my head as I grabbed onto his wrists and tried to push him away. Groaning softly at the strength I was using.

"No I dont Yoongi! Let me g-"

Oh gosh. Oh no. No nonononono! This cant happen! It cant! He cant kiss me! Its not supposed to happen like this!

I felt my face heat up when his tongue licked against my bottom lip slowly. I was smacking at his shoulder to let me go. Hitting him over and over till he finally pulled away with a smirk glued to his face. I glared back even harder then before the kiss.

"I hate you pervert!"

With that I left his room. Going into mine, shutting the door behind me and throwing myself onto my stomach on my bed.


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