Chapter Ten ✓

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"Oh its so cute!"

I groaned softly as I rubbed my eyes. What was that? I think I'm still dreaming... I kept my eyes closed and buried my head deeper into what ever my head was laying on. I think its Yoongis' chest, so I snuggled my head in closer.

I felt an arm wrap around me at my biceps kind of in a protective way so I opened my eyes to see what was wrong. A flash hit me in the eyes though causing me to squeeze them shut really fast and bury my entire face back into Yoongis' chest.

"O-Ow" I groaned.

I didn't even see what was in front of me. Like a flash of a camera. Then I heard a click.

It was a camera. I opened my eyes again and sat up onto my elbow and glared at Namjoon and Seokjin that were above us.

"I told you this was cute" Namjoon smiled as he winked to me and I just starred daggers.

Seokjin just smiled as well and took another picture ,"I have to admit that it is really cute"

I felt my cheeks start to burn and I pointed to the door ,"Get out pervs!"

They laughed and rushed out of the room. Closing the door behind them and I heard a soft groan from underneath me. I looked down and seen Yoongi opening his eyes. A smile immedietly growing onto his face when he saw me and I smiled back and kissed him softly.

"Morning" I whispered and he pulled me down on top of him and I giggled.

"Morning my little criminal. What was all of the noise about?"

I groaned and laid my head down onto his chest. Kind of rubbing on his chest with a soft touch. "They had cameras on their phones and were taking pictures of us. Kind of creepy"

He laughed and held me closer. Running his fingers through my hair and kind petting me. Making me relax and almost making me fall back asleep on him.

Then his phone dinged. He grabbed it from the dresser beside the bed and turned up the brightness. Going to what ever made it go off and grinned. I looked at him confused. "What is it?"

He shook his head and was pressing a few things on his phone ,"Nothing~ its nothing I promise"

"No tell me! Is it the pictures?" He laughed and I knew then it was. "Give them here!"

He snatched his phone when I tried to get it from him to delete the pictures. Keeping it from my reach. I crawled to get it but he sat up and moved his arm again. Glaring I went to get up but he pushed me back down gently I fell to my back on the bed with a soft thud. He clicked the phone off and smiled as he put the phone down and came over to me. Pinning me down really softly and smiled as he leaned down and kissed me softly. I just kissed him back.

"But yes it was the pictures-"

"-I knew it!"

He smiled and rubbed my head. Then rubbed my cheek with his thumb and pinned me down again. "Can I ask you another question Jimin?"

I looked at him sort of confused. What was he gonna ask me? Oh god it wasn't gonna be marriage was it!? Oh Jimin stop thinking ridiculously. "Sure what is it?"

He took a deep breath. Letting go of my wrists and putting his hands at the side of my head onto the bed. Looking me deep into the eyes. IT IS MARRIAGE ISNT IT!?

"Will you move in with me? I-I mean its not gonna be the four of us! Seokjin and Namjoon are moving out to a house they're getting together about.. two miles away. It'll be just me and you"

My cheeks flushed ,"Are they together by any chance". He answered with a nod and I smiled. "That's so cute. And Yoongi.. I'll move in with you"

He smiled wide ,"You will?"

Nodding myself and looking up at him in the eyes then getting my hands free and wrapping them around his neck. A smile never leaving my face. "Yes".

He leaned down and kissed me softly, but I didn't let him pull away when he wanted to. Continuing to kiss him for as long as I could.

Even though I started with a bad road in my life, It couldn't of ended any happier.

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