{Part Nine}

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First of all I just want to say I am terribly sorry for not updating in so long, I've been remastering my writing techniques and after that I had a long depressive episode. I am back and I hope to finish, or at least work more, on my fics. I hope you all don't hate me or anything.


  Edd sped out of the driveway, watching Tom bust down the front door and grow even larger. My eyes widened, never realizing he would, or even could for that matter, go this far. Edd was speeding down roads and dodging the few cars that happened to be on the road at the wrong time, cars that also unfortunately were smashed by Tom's feet; he reacted like he had clumsily stepped on a Lego. Soon enough Edd had just barely missed a tree, taking off the side mirror in his efforts; he grabbed my hand, jumping out of the car and hiding behind a thick, fallen tree with moss covering it like a tapestry.

"What the fuck is going on?" I whisper-yelled, Edd squeezed my softly and pressed a finger to his lips, signalling me to shut up. I snapped my mouth closed.

"Tom has never gone this far before, I'm scared he'll do something drastic." Edd whispered almost inaudibly, his eyes still widened and glossy from the tears that threatened to spill over his lids from fear.

"You don't consider this drastic?" I threw my hand out, gesturing back to the road as screams of terror and fire crackling filled my ears, making me flinch.

  Edd pulled me into a protective hug, resting a hand on the back of my head to keep my face in the nook of his neck, ruffling my (h/c) hair. A loud rumbling noise shook the ground beneath us, making me squeal and grip onto Edd's ripped Smeg Head shirt, starting to cry softly. He pet my hair, trying desperately to calm me down as I continued to sob into his shoulder. Almost as quickly as everything started, everything stopped and was replaced with soft footsteps pitter-pattering along the wet leaves that lay scattered across the wooded areas floor.

"(Y/N)! Oh god, is she okay?" Tom's voice filled the silent abyss, sounding like he had ran a few marathons.

"Tom, what the fuck just happened? You literally tried to kill your own sister!" Edd yelled, steam quite literally coming out of his ears like a fog machine; I took a breath and hesitantly sat up, meeting my inhumanly enlarged pupils at your brothers.

"I don't care what he did, but I want to know why the fuck you didn't tell me you could even go that far?" I said calmly, wiping my tears away like nothing ever happened. Edd looked at me with wide eyes, utterly met with unsettling confusion as to how I was so calm about this whole situation. I shrug.

"I honestly don't know, I didn't know I could either." He shrugged, turning around to walk back out of the tree-blanketed area.

A small syringe stuck out from his back, a small sliver of purple liquid still remaining in the tube.

Ooo just got back and I'm already throwing cliffhangers.

(Word count: 545)

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