{Part Ten}

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  Edd and I rushed Tom to the hospital, making sure he didn't fall on some used heroin needle or something; diseases don't work well with our genetics. Tom was mad about everything but also kept ensuring I was okay, even though I kinda wasn't, I said I was.

  We made it to the hospital, whisking my brother in and watching as the employees and other patients stared at mine and Tom's eyes, confusion running wild behind they're gaze. A nurse came out and looked at the needle, explaining that they've never seen a substance so vibrant when it came to injections. They took the needle away in a box, along with a sample of Tom's blood which was black, it startled them and I explained it's just how it looks but it has all the same properties. We sat in the waiting room, which was thankfully empty besides us, and tried to place our bets at whatever was in the needle.

"Food coloring?"

"Didn't smell like food coloring."

"Some chemical, like window cleaner?"

"Window cleaner would be more transparent, that was opaque as fuck."

"Tord fucking us over again?"

  Everyone went quiet as I said it, the possibility of it was way too high and if it was him, why did he do it? We all sat in contemplation as the nurse came in, a very shocked and almost scared expression pressed on her face like a mask.

"The results are in, and your blood is clear sir. Although," we all leaned in, "the substance was unknown, we tested it to all possibilities we have and none of them were a mach. If you don't mind, we're sending it to a lab for further testing and we will give you a call if or when we get results." She smiled.

"Can I take a picture of it real quick? I have some theories but I need some sort of evidence." Edd asked, Tom and I exchanged a glace of some sort before shrugging. Edd took his picture and thanked the nurse.


  I, being Tom's sister and being protective when it came to his wellbeing, slammed open the door and watched Tord roll off the couch and hit his head on the coffee table; his eyes wide like I had woken him up from a nap or something. He staggered to his feet, brushing off his red hoodie and turning off the hentai-covered screen, his face somewhat pink.

"Tord, you better answer honestly and if you don't I'll help you pack your shit up and get the fuck out." Edd placed a hand on my lower back as I started my interrogation.

"What do you want woman?" he groaned, running a hand across his face to help him wake up or something.

"Tom had a needle with purple shit in it, we went to the hospital and they said it didn't match any of their samples. Do you know anything about it?" Tord pursed his lips, looking at the ground slightly which I knew was a sign he was about to lie.

"I have no clue what you're talking about, I've never even seen a needle with purple stuff in it." He shrugged, Edd huffed and pulled out his phone, practically shoving the picture down his throat.

"And now you have, does it look fucking familiar to you?" Edd was surprised in himself for snapping like that, so was the rest of us actually.

"Faen," Tord sighed, "if I just tell you what is in the damn thing will you get off my back about it?"

"We're listening."

"It's the same chemical that turns Tom into a big monster thing, I messured it out and found the right amount that would turn him into the thing but keep him there for a long ass time." he shrugged, Edd and I were fuming and Tom was rolling up his sleeves to probably start a fight with him.

"Can I hit him?" I sounded literally 2 years old, Edd thought that was cute but of course he said yes cause he was almost as mad as I was.

  Tord laughed for a minute or two, thinking I couldn't even do any damage, but of course Tom had did some basic self defense training with me for who knows what. I basically jumped on the Norwegian, his laugh faltering as my fist made contact with his jaw.

  Soon enough Tord was on the ground, a bloody nose and a black eye. That was all I could do considering I only knew a few things, but it was enough to get my point across. Edd was running to get a first aid kit because of a small scratch I had on my arm, making me laugh a bit.


  Tord threw the last of his suitcases in the trunk of the Taxi, pursing his lips before lifting his arm up to wave at us; Matt had finally come out of his room and was having Edd explain what happened.

"So long, old friends." Tord said, barely audible from the distance we were at but we all heard it. I rolled my eyes, walking back inside and feeling an arm snake around my waist and a kiss on my cheek.

(This chapter was legit a steaming pile of dog shit, flies included. I'll try to make them a bit better in the future lmfao)

(Psst it'd be dope if you checked out my other account Coexistent_Crisis cause I'm most active over there)

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 07, 2019 ⏰

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